Who are the real terrorists?

Who are the real terrorists in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

  • Israelis

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Palestinians

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • United States – who uses Israel as a proxy to assure mid-east power

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Other Arab/Persian states – who use Palestinians as proxy to attack hated Jews

    Votes: 28 56.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Why have other Arab states not stepped in (espeically the Saudi's and such) and made the Palestian areas a paradise of higher education and magnificient hospitals. It is not like they dont have the money or the ability to convert worthless land into something laudable. They could send all the Palestian children to college and get them out of the impoverished circumstances they live in. Doesn't the Koran call for charity as one its pillars.

The Palestians could have been made to feel accepted anywhere else in the Arab world, but no then who would the rest of the Muslims point to and say the Israelis are monsters.

Heck Palestians who live outside of the contested areas vote, have jobs and are afforded the same rights as any other Israeli citizen. But Hezzballa and Hamaas doen't want anyone to know that, they just want the Israeli made to look like oppressors.

It is really hard to negotiate with someone who's charter of their oranization calls for your extermination and removal from the world map.
A former coworker of mine who is not Jewish, visited Israel a few years ago. The pictures and video he took told a very eye-opening story. On the one hand, the Jews have turned Israel into a thriving, growing land. But if you go to the areas occupied by the Palestinians, it looks like a barren wasteland. Litter in the streets, broken plumbing & sewers, wrecked and abandoned cars... you get the idea.

TwoXForr asked the right question - why aren't the other Arab countries volunteering to house, clothe, feed and shelter the Palestinians? If the Palestinians claim Israelis are brutal oppressors, why don't they leave for Egypt, Syria or some other Arab state? After all, their chances to make a decent living and live in good conditions are much better in another Arab state.

Because they're not wanted there either.

Because Arab states don't want to be dragged into a conflict with Israel.

Mostly because they don't want their own governments threatened by the Palestinians.
TwoXForr asked the right question - why aren't the other Arab countries volunteering to house, clothe, feed and shelter the Palestinians?

Maybe because they send money only to pay for weapons & bombs and subsidizing "we hate everything" colleges to breed suicide bombers?
From what I have seen, admittedly from afar, I think most Palestinian Arabs are unwilling to compromise for peace. They are holding out for a Jews-into-the sea victory. That's not going to happen, so it's going to be a very long war.
TwoXForr's questions are the same that has rung through my mind for quite some time.

It's really disturbing to me to see that a vote was for the US claiming to be a terrorist, and a few more for all of the above that includes the US in the mix...:mad::(
Palestinians blow up Israelis and each other. Israelis treat injured Palestinians. Families of injured Palestinians in Israeli hospitals cheer when injured Israelis are wheeled in.

Israelis don't like being murdered. They build a wall to keep out terrorists.

Why are Israelis so inflexible? It's annoying to the US and infuriating to everyone else. But there they go again.
What kind of slanted poll is this?
Islamic Jihad Group
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)

OK, I edited it but it's still too vague. Not all the people in a country support or oppose terrorism.
So I can't pick one but I'll vote for these.
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Are you joking Jaser?
Last time I looked there were not to many IRA, Basque Seperatists or Flipinos in the Middle East, I could be wrong but I think we were dissuccing the umbrella concept here not seperate entities.