White Lettering on Old Mausers


In my looking for a M1895 Mauser, I have seen receivers that are pristine with white "Mauser ... 1895" lettering. The patina laden receivers, including the one I own, never have this. I actually don't care about the white lettering. It's the pristine 'look' I want. Is this white coloring a left-over from some cleaning abrasive or are these brand-spanking new 100 year old guns?
Sounds to me like someone got carried away with the polishing compound. I ahve owned several 1893, 1895, and 1898 Mausers from DWM, Mauserwerke, Loewe, and never seen any that had white paint or filler in the lettering.

BTW, leaving actions "in the white" (ie unblued) was a common practice on firearms many years ago. Carburized actions do not take bluing very well.
I posed the question to one of the guys that had the white lettering. White wax pencil. That's the problem with the internet... you get used to asking the questions and not just thinking about it. Thanks for the input.
The guns didn't come from the factory with white lettering. Someone just wanted the markings to stand out for a display or more likely a photograph.

The use of "white" receivers by Mauser and others was at the request of the customer. Some armies thought the shiny rifles looked better, or figured it would be easier to tell if they showed rust, in which case the poor soldier was in trouble. (The latter was the reason given for the "Armory bright" finish on U.S. rifle muskets of the Civil War period. They didn't care much about camoflage when thousands of soldiers were marching in formation.)

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