White House Draws a Bead on Guns


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White House Draws a Bead on Guns
Top Clinton Aides Meet to Plan 'Offensive' for Control Measures

By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 15, 1999; Page A10

The Clinton administration, convinced that Congress has badly underestimated the public appetite for new gun regulations, will convene a meeting of top aides today "to prepare an all-out offensive on guns in the coming year," a senior White House official said last night.

Full story

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

[This message has been edited by DavidW (edited December 15, 1999).]
The Clinton administration, convinced that Congress has badly underestimated the public appetite for new gun regulations

Bullspit. He knows good and damn well that gun control won't fly in Congress or in Flyover, and he doesn't care. He Is Bill, Hear Him Roar.

Is it a crime yet to call the President a friggin' moron?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
The federal government has not only disobeyed the second admendment, but it is also overstepping its bounds with the administration and HUD getting together with cities and counties.

We MUST kick up a fuss about the way they are trying to take away our guns. In the past I have heard such statements as "Oh, the American people will never let that happen." Well, we are letting the government run right over us. It is high time that we made a cry that cannot be ignored. Liberals get what they want many times because they demand and demand and demand until they get whatever it is they want many times with very little oppositon from the right. Take the homosexual/lesbian crowd for example. They are less than ten percent of the population (maybe even just one to five percent). In spite of their comparatively small numbers they have demanded and gotten many preferences. We as gun owners are a larger crowd. Let us flood our newspapers, neighbours, all levels of government, communities etc. with calls, letters, flyers etc. communicating the fallacy of gun control, the unlawfulness of the litigation of gun manufacturers, and the fact that we will never give up our guns. We need to get the fence straddlers off of the fence and on to our side. There are those that are on our side, but they are quiet. Encourage them to speak up. If we do not take a very active role in this then we'll lose not only our gun rights but also many other rights.


[This message has been edited by Eric Conaway (edited January 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Eric Conaway (edited January 02, 2000).]
David, thanks. This is exactly what I needed to hand out at a speech this evening.

OTOH, I hate being right about this kind of thing. If I was only this good at picking stocks ... ;)
Buried in the text of the article it mentions setting the conditions to allow Clinton to issue a new series of excutive actions. He has this all figured out to severly restrict guns by excutive decree. If we don't like it the courts will need to overturn what ever he does and that takes years. This man is dangerous!
