White House accuses Independent Counsel investigation


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Independent Counsel: Leak Claim Fake

By Pete Yost
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, Dec. 26, 1999; 2:42 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– Independent Counsel Robert Ray says the White
House is trying to undermine his investigation of the president and first lady
by wrongly accusing Ray's office of leaking information to the media.

In an appearance last Thursday on CNN's "Larry King Live," President
Clinton was asked about a Washington Post story that said the Clintons
were considering seeking government reimbursement for their legal fees.
Clinton denied that he is considering that and added:

"I think that it (the story) was leaked from the independent counsel's
office. That's the way the story read to me."

"That claim is false," Ray responded in a statement Friday. "This is yet
another attempt, in an ongoing effort by the White House, to impugn the
integrity of a duly constituted law enforcement investigation through false

Ray's statement was his first public criticism of a comment by the

Ray said that White House spokesman Joe Lockhart was told
"authoritatively" before Clinton made the allegation in his taped TV
interview that prosecutors were not the source of the leak.

Asked Sunday about Ray's statement, Jim Kennedy of the White House
counsel's office said Ray's office had not contacted Lockhart.

"We're doing our job working on the nation's business" and "they should
stick to doing their job," said Kennedy.

Ray's office has several tasks before it – including a final report on the
Whitewater investigation and a decision on whether to seek indictment of
the president after he leaves office regarding his sworn statements in the
first six months of 1998 regarding former White House intern Monica
Lewinsky. Clinton finally admitted to a sexual relationship with Ms.
Lewinsky after seven months of denials.

Ray's predecessor, Ken Starr, frequently complained that his office was
falsely accused by the White House of leaking news stories that actually
originated from the president's camp.

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The White House should just stop pussy-footing around and elevate the the WH Press office to Cabinet level status with an appropriate title change to Ministry of Propaganda.
Gobbels is alive and well at the White House.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
slick is grasping at straws to manufacture a "legacy". It is scary to me because the man is really dangerous.
When its all over and John Mc Cain is president it probably wont be a whole lot different.
Why John McCain? The President is not elected by the popular vote and not by the electoral vote either. He is chosen by media consensus. And they have spoken.

Better days to be,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We're doing our job working on the nation's business....[/quote]
When have we heard this before. That's right...it was just before Willy got caught red handed.
Remember that Clinton is a self admitted liar. Most of the White House Staff helped him in his denials and coverups. Since he lied under oath in a Federal court he is not likely to tell the truth now.
Isn't this tactic SOP for this bunch? Obfuscate the real issue and go for some type of distraction. In never speaking to the real issue, they end up damning themselves with people who can cut through all of the false rhetoric. Of course, the Clintons are counting on the fact that few people are able to separate fact from fiction when they rail against investigations into their activities.

Politicians use this tired, old ploy time and time again for one reason--it works (at least most of the time). It's just that Clinton has elevated it to an art form.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.