White Hillary Voters in WV Can Use X for Signature


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White Hillary Voters in WV Can Use X for Signature
by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace

(2008-05-12) — Under pressure from Sen. Hillary Clinton, the state of West Virginia today launched a public service TV commercial reminding white Democrats that they can “make their mark” rather than signing their names in the precinct register for Tuesday’s primary.

The move follows Sen. Clinton’s recent remarks that much of her support comes from whites who work hard and don’t have as much education as backers of rival Sen. Barack Obama. The little-known “Festus Provision” of the state’s election law allows voters to make an “X” in the precinct register to record their presence at the polling place.

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign has unleashed a barrage of TV and radio ads highlighting the difference between the candidates with the slogan: “Pick the Longer Name.”

The Obama for America campaign, struggling to connect with an electorate comprised largely of bitter West Virginians who cling to their guns and religion, today plans a “white wine and brie” skeet-shooting reception at St. Vegan’s Unitarian Universalist Church, near downtown Nitro.
just another slam intended

by those who now will claim she wants just anyone to vote. How American Hillary is when she promotes just anyone registered should be able to vote.

Are our posters now going to imply the Republicans don't want these voters.
This disgusts me on so many levels it will take a monumental effort to continue typing rather than throw a brick at the nearest breakable object...and considering that I'm at work that's not a good thing. Grr...so many issues: illiteracy, fraud, sinking to the lowest standard, people voting for Hitlary in the first place... Is this a full scale admission that Hitlary voters are ignorant?

Is this article genuine, or an Onion type thing?

Well, umm, it is a genuine article...Onion? ...Uh, gee mister;)

Scrappleface is one of the most widely read and...uhhhh...respected.....blogs....yeah! thats the ticket!:cool::D
My wife went to a local outdoor arts and fair exhibit this past weekend. There was a group of people with obvious mental developmental problems out on their weekly field trip. Somebody had given them "Hillary" signs and had them marching. Our primary is next week.
thats funny!

Somebody had given them "Hillary" signs and had them marching
Its not P.C, and I have a nephew in a similar condition so I can understand why people get upset, but my large family isn't P.C and we love a good laugh.