Whisper in the night scenario


Recently we went up to attend a wedding in the Bay Area and we stayed over with one of my wife's cousin's house. The cousin lives alone and she was a little worried as their area had suffered a rash of home invasion robberies recently (she had a $700,000 house in a semi-private area...her next door neighbor is about a half an acre away) so she was glad to have the company.
On the night of the reception, we got separated from my wife's cousin on returning to her house and after a half an hour of being lost, we got on the right route back.
We had the key and let ourself in the house.....about five minutes later...about midnight, the doorbell rung.
The cousin had waited up for us, so she walked to the front door to see who it was, thinking it was one of the party goers bringing something back from the party.

You are in the living room, sitting where you can see the front door...it is a young woman by herself, but she keeps looking behind her at the ground where there is a dark patch. The girl looks innocent enough, but you think something is wrong. You have your home defense gun on you...just before you signal the cousin to ask who is it without opening the door, you hear the girl whispering to someone and something in the shadow moves.
(looks like a human size object)

What do you do?

Turned out it was one of the other cousin's grown up niece whose boyfriend got hurt in a fight outside of the party and she brought him to her aunt's house for help.
As it is, I had the aunt turn out the inside house lights while my wife and I kept the girl and the injured boy friend outside until we could get corroboration to identify them through the closed door. My daughter watched the back door while we worked out a solution at the front door.
There's been this nifty item called a flashlight around for some time now. Now would be the time to use it.
A high intensity light like a Sure Fire or Streamlight would be perfect. Turn off your porch light, sweep front yard area with flashlight. Determine your next course of action from there.
Most scenarios aren't, and when you're "on alert" for danger, everything appears to be dangerous.

I'd insist she come in, close and lock the door, then ask the niece, "who's out there, and what's going on?" Proceed accordingly.
Sounds like you did everything all right, except the chioce of lights....

Interior lights tend to sillouette and show those inside while leaving the outside dark and unseen. Not an advantage I'd give away to the unknown.

But it also sounds like you needed to cuss the cousin for the lack of adecuate lighting for the front porch. Doesn't she have a porch light? I'd throw a fit if my 3/4 of a million dollar house didn't have one. :confused:
I agree with Phillip on this one...Outside lights can be disabled easily. A SureFire to provide your own light when you need it and where you want to direct it should be a part of everyone's daily carry equipment.

The niece probably should've brought her friend to the emergency room for medical attention.
Someone who can afford a $700,000 house can surely afford a central monitoring service. Heck, everyone and their grandmother has one around here---and nobody's that rich! :eek: :D

Hey, what's her life worth? $500-$800 for the system and $200 per year for the service? Bah! Pocket change!

Sooo... pass it on to her.

My two cents. ;)
Actually, $700k really doesn't buy you that much of a house in the bay area.

Depending on the area, that might be just a large down payment...