While you were away...


New member
The Makarov bug struck the denfoote house, again!!!!! I got interested in a Chicom (Norinco) Makarov that my FFL had lying around in the case. Well, it turned out to have been damaged in shipment. It was a good thing to. In the process of rooting around for another Norinco, They found an East German Mak that had been pushed to the back of the store safe, and forgotten for God knows how long. This gun shop is a small Mom, and Pop operation, and the owner considers everything in the store to be his personal collection. I think he was "saving" it for himself, but he IS in the business... Anyway, this Makarov is the best shooting one I have!!! Three inch groups at twenty-five yards right out of the box!!!! No kidding!!!! Plus, it came with 2 spare mags, a spare grip, and a kind of funky shoulder holster. The only drawback was that Mrs. denfoote was "concerned" about the outlay of another $185 so soon after the first, but she'll get over it. ;) It's also a good thing that Arizona dosen't have one of those silly "one gun a momth" rules!!!!