While I was in the Twilight Zone...


New member
While I was in the Twilight Zone this afternoon I had the most lucid thought: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Sit-coms are a major contributor to the dumbing-down of the American public.[/quote]

Gad! I even had some very excellent examples, but upon the full recovery of conciousness they quickly faded away...

Should they return, I'll post a follow-up!

:) ;) :)


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

It's actually one of my hobbyhorses (hang on while I mount up ...)

We are, of course, heavily influenced by US sitcoms here.

I become quite irrational (unlike my normal sweet self) when I hear young adolescents mouthing the same shallow, trite drivel as they heard the night before. They have entire conversations without saying anything. It also, of course, flavours their attitude towards firearms -- "Guns bad, touchy-feely group hugs good" and if that doesn't work, bring in the "counsellors" to tell them what they should be feeling.

(Dismounts from hobbyhorse)

Damn straight, kill your TV.

I killed mine with 5 charges of double-ought last fall. About all I miss now is South Park and Wings (Discovery Channel). The rest of it made me ill.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
You can download all the South Park episodes off the web to watch in your leasure - I had all of them... but forgot where I got them... do some hunting... South Park, Simpsons... The Family Guy... Only thing worth watching...

Yeah, I like cartoons! So What?

Kodiac, don't you know? When you're an adult, cartoons are called "animation". Someday I'll be able to call them "animation", too. ;)

The only shows I watched for about eight years, Simpsons, Seinfeld, and Star Trek. The three "S"s.

This country has never been the same since the scourge called "Three's Company".

[This message has been edited by boing (edited June 25, 1999).]
You guys can have your "animations." I'll stick with Bugs Bunny, the Road Runner and Coyote. I'm also sick: I'd like to see Sylvester have Tweety for dinner.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Not only inane, but conditioning.

When I used to watch them I would find myself laughing simply because they had the "laugh track" running. Upon reflection I found that whatever it was that THEY thought I should laugh at was not really amusing at all.

Even these "Morning shows"... Most of them I find on the same level as the sit-coms.

I turned both of them off and then found TFL! OH MAN! Out of the fire, into the FRYING PAN!! :) ;) :)


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

Ant's UNITE!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 25, 1999).]
30 or so years ago there was a study done about cartoons and the influence they had on kids. Sorry, I can't quote the origin, it's been too long ago. One of the concerns pointed out was the influence of Asian culture being pushed on the American kids. Cartoons, because of the intensive hand labor involved, were being produced in foreign (read mostly Japan) countries, and as a result, the team concept was stressed. the individual was always cast as the bad guy, and the team was always cast as the good guys. Rocky and Bullwinkle always squared off one on one with Boris and Natasha, while Astro Boy and company always ganged up on a single opponent. Back then I dismissed it as a real way out idea. In April though, individuals went up against the team. I don't mean to infer what the 2 ba$tards at Littleton did was anything but a crime, or justify their actions in any way, but you gotta wonder about the messages being sent. Old farts like myself grew up with Shane and High Noon. Rambo was an individual, but was on the wrong side of the law. There seems to be a plural theme today that didn't exist back then.

Hal makes an interesting point and scary point, that has become formulaic. Consider the last 10-15 yrs:

Simplified, some group of people decide that an activity (smoking); an attitude/intellectual/moral position (opposition to the gay lifestyle and preferred rights;abortion;affirmative action;religion,etc); ownership (guns; fur coats)....is bad and they want to do something about it.
First they protest and propagandize (generally as its harmful to "collectivism"). Second, they enlist the media, who puts greater collective spin on it and labels the "culprits" as individuals who have no regard for the rights/safety/sensitivities of "the majority". Inshort, demonization of those who practice the "bad" action/activity/attitude
Third, it becomes a political issue, attractive to politicians who in turn see it as a means of gaining greater control and power. Fourth, the government gets involved.

Its plainly obvious to me that individuality is now considered bad and that collectivism is considered good. Thus, the de facto destruction of the Bill of Rights has become easier and more acceptable...your rights are unimportant if they interfere with the collective will.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Propaganda Machines.

Educate yourself on the socialist's agenda and then sit back and read between the rhetoric, you'll be surprised at how much their message is being played.

It's a well known fact in the movie biz, to cut photos of refreshments into the feature film, subliminally inducing patrons to spend money at concession stands.
Do you think your formula is a natural phenomenon or simply a natural progression of some kind?

When I was a projectionist (military, overseas, NOT professional), we were told during our training that subliminal advertising, though somewhat effective, was against federal law. We immediately asked if it was against the law if it served military or governmental "training needs" rather than commercial advertising and were met with a blank stare.

Its a much refined version of "the squeaky wheel". But, it is more....there is money and power involved. All these "grassroots" movements become high dollar lobby groups...MADD; HCI, etc.
The natural aspect is liberalism...bringing this back to John's topic; as the movement becomes known it is embraced by liberals, including Hollywood and the media and they run with it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Dennis}Do you think your formula is a natural phenomenon or simply a natural progression of some kind?

Well, a "natural phenomenon" and a "natural progression" are basically the same thing, but I do believe that these things are natural occurences. Someone percieves something as being bad, and wants to eliminate or control it. Very natural. We humans have, as part of our innate makeup, a need to feel in control. We just have to be sure that what we try to control is in the best interests of individual rights and liberty, while also recognizing that many things we desire to control are beyond our ability to do so.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
Television induces a mild form of hypnosis (increased suggestiblity). I've heard pychologist say it has to do with the flashing lights (which you can't conciously see) and the abnormal sound level. Television has an immense ability to create a false concensus and reshape the views of people in the areas of sex, violence, politics, religion etc. and has certainly been used for just this purpose.

You should look at the people who control the industry. Are these the people you want to have control over a pipeline that goes right into the brain of you and your children?

When I first got out of college and did a little substitute teaching I was always amazed at the effect on the kids putting on a video would have. Even if the content was idiotic (even to the point the kids had to know it was idiotic) they would go from uncontrolled energy to a state of docility as soon as I put the TV on.

Oh well, enough of my rambling.

Shoot the TV, especially if you have kids.
And yes the Simpsons is the only show on TV worth watching!
To take the subject in a slightly different direction: I've always wanted a shirt that says
"Male Bashing: The Sport of the Nineties".

I revealed to my wife how just about every commercial and every comedy show have the same theme: The bumbling, stupid, wimpy husband goes against his wife's wishes, ends up screwing everything up, and the wife has to come in and save the shamed man.
Since I told my wife about this, she has noticed it a lot and is surprised that just about every comedy stems off of a man doing something stupid and a woman picking up the slack.

Then there is the conscious programming that is supposed to be "good" for society, such as the fact that producers consciously put minorities in power positions on shows in order to make us more used to seeing it and therefore programming us that it is normal. In fiction shows, look at every Judge, every Chief of Police, every boss/manager on TV, every person in power, and you will see a woman and/or minority (at least %90 of the time).
I am not saying the concept is bad, but it definitly falls under brainwashing, because it is a deliberate attempt to change how you see the world through programming, whether good or bad.

A less paranoid person might say the TV programmers are only trying to secure a broader customer/viewer base.

I, on the other hand, agree with you. Destroy the family and government becomes the "daddy". Not in MY house!

Daddy Grump
PS. I solicit input from the members of the house and then, as the final decison maker, they MUST do exactly what my wife told me to tell them to do. ;)

Pinocchio Grump
Another problem I have with Sitcoms is how serious problems are miraculously solved in 1/2 hour (especially the touchy-feely "family" crap) without showing any of the hard work that is necessary to overcome any problem. I provides a wharped sense of reality, and helps feed the overall "Victim Mentality" that exists in our society. TV is how many "experience" a large portion of their lives, and when reality doesn't match what they've "experienced" , then people have no idea how to better their lives themselves. Then they look for someone to fix it for them. Ultimately this weakens individuals, and gives power to those organizations who claim to be able to fix problems for you, like Big Gov't and Corporations.

Now for the GOOD TV.
Simpsons & Southpark are Great, however Southpark does have an Anti-hunting spin.
I am a History Channel Junkie, especially the "History of the Gun" series. But it always gives me a real bad case of the "I Wants". I Wants an AK-47, I Wants a Luger Parabellum, I Wants another .45 1911, I Really Wants a Tommy Gun, and on and on.
Discovery Channel andThe Learning Channel are good TV.
I lost the "OutdoorLife" channel when I switched from cable to satelite dish, but that was good TV too.

Can't kill the TV yet, there is some good stuff out there, you just gotta look.
besides I need it for my video games.