Which will gun owners vote against?


New member
Which of the two Democratic candidates, Hillary or Oboma will we need to vote against if we want to keep our guns?
Vote for Hillary right now. When the main election rolls around vote for McCain. Thats about all we can do and we may still get the shaft.
and voting for McCain is better becasue

(fill in the blank) _____________ . Because a blank is the correct answer when it comes to McCain and his defending RKBA across the board. The number of post on this board regarding McCain and his position on the 2nd is enough of an eye opener to make me believe he is not any better than the other choices. A few cursory things over 25 years does not make you a supporter it just shows your a politician playing the game with voters.
nate45 is correct. Vote for Hillary for now, then when the real deal rolls around, vote for Mccain. :barf:
I feel like I'm playing that ripoff game with the ball and three cups.

One one side, Hillary looks bad. But I'm sure she remembers what happened when her husband pushed through the AWB. I don't see her being quite crazy enough to push for something that politically dangerous again. Is she mean, vicious, evil, and flatout crooked? Yes. Is she stupid? No.

Obama doesn't say much, but I see him being idealistic enough to say "Darn the political consequences" if he gets it in his head that the nation "needs" more gun control laws.

Mccain seems like he wouldn't risk vetoing if a democratic congress sent up an AWB or any other crap legislature up to his desk. He plays a little too nice for my liking. I'm still mad at him for McCain Fiengold.
I'm just going to guess the one with a big fat D next to his or her name. That's just my opinion though, I could be wrong.
Vote for Hillary right now. When the main election rolls around vote for McCain.

Going to beat Redworm to this this time, but ah well..........DAMIT...I didn't beat him :mad:

Will you all not feel dishonest by doing so? I would never play politics that way, you don't stay clean when you get in the mud to clean the pig.
I for one would like to send a message back to them saying "DO NOT SEND ANOTHER." Why is it that they keep trying the same thing again and again and again?! Haven't the women's activists taught them that no means no yet?
Personally, I think we lost the moment we started "voting agasinst" and not voting for.

Votes for lesser evils are still votes for evil.
This is why we can't have nice things...

If people voted for intelligent, hard working, and candidates that weren't in bed with lobbyists and corporations we wouldn't have to deal with the "lesser of two evils". Oh well, may the least dumb win.

Which of the two Democratic candidates, Hillary or Oboma will we need to vote against if we want to keep our guns?

That's a no brainer. Obama is the worst of the two. Hillary will regulate them to death but Obie wants to take all of them.