Which Tokarev Pistol Is Best?

TX Hunter

New member
I am getting ready to purchase a T-33 Tokarev Pistol.
I noticed that several Countries Made them.
I see Polish, Yugo, and Romanian Models available.
My Question is, which one is best, or would you recomend.
Not sure if one is better than the next. My Romanian is a great shooter, but probably less collectible than a yugo or polish. Depends on whether "best" is for shooting purposes or collecting purposes.
The best? Always gonna be "Peace Time Russian." I've heard good things about Chinese Toks. As well as Romanian. All in all, they're all about the same as what you'd get with the others. I personally like the Polish ones. They're not the prettiest, but I like them. Fit and finish always seemed nice on the Polish ones, only ever handled a couple Romanians and a Polish though, but that's my opinion.
I faxed a Copy of my FFl to SOG, they have a nice deal on a Polish One, They said they I have to wait 24 Hours before purchasing the pistol, and they are closed on weekends, So I guess, I will call them and buy it monday. From Work:D
Alright TX!!! Jumped right on the band wagon:D. I haven't received the Polish TT I ordered Tuesday night. Hope it comes Monday, darn BBT don't come on Saturdays. I'll let you know what it looks like when I get it. I really like my Romanian a lot. I didn't see where the Yugos are C&R. If they ever are I'll probably get one of them to.
I know it's not what you asked about, but I love the CZ-52's. Plus, they are imported without being messed with, unlike the Toks that have a bad safety added per the gov't.
You are right about the CZ52. The problem is availability. I think the supply has run out. Now you pay gunshop prices, or try to find an individual selling one.
Let's just hope someone in Europe finds another warehouse full of them!
In fact let's hope they find a lot of warehouses full of a lot of stuff. I'm about topped out with everything C&R out there now.
TX has an 03 C&R FFL. The Yugos are not listed as C&R so he would need a dealer transfer. He is new to C&R, and wants to order something with his license.
Please don't tell me the Yugos are C&R, I already ordered a Polish this week:eek: don't know if I can budget in another one this quick.
Please don't tell me the Yugos are C&R, I already ordered a Polish this week don't know if I can budget in another one this quick.

I'd love to tell you that the Yugo Toks are C&R, but apparently not. SOG requires an 01FFL. They do look awfully nice, though!
I'd love to tell you that the Yugo Toks are C&R, but apparently not. SOG requires an 01FFL. They do look awfully nice, though!

Yea , I checked that to. Also, I saw the Polish TTs in the flyer, but not listed under used handguns where all the other C&Rs are. I didn't call, just thought they were already out. Found out they have them listed under "new" handguns.

I ordered a Polish Tokerev, and 140 Rounds of Ammo, Man I am excited.
They didnt even charge me shipping. Thanks for all the help.
It even comes with a holster.:D
Try to get all that for Two Hundred dollars on a new production model.
Well TX as I look through my bound book, and see 30 acquisitions with only 2 dispositions, both duplicates I kept the best one of, all I can say is "It's just the begining":D:D

Man thats cool,
I looked at some Gun Safes Yesterday, My wife asked, why would you need such a large storage case?:D
Just for the record, I had a Norinco, not for long. That gun was a piece of junk. That's not to say the rest aren't excellent, but that's my only experience with Chinese, not likely to happen again.
I had a Chinese years back, Korean War bring back. It functioned really well. The problem back then was getting ammo for it. I ended up going to a class 3 dealer to find some. I lived in California back then and the pawn shops had a lot of Russian bring backs. Nobody wanted them because you could not get ammo. I wish I had bought a couple. I also had a Norinco Chinese recently and had no problems with it, even shooting the hot sub-machine gun ammo through it. Still, it is always best to buy european if you have a choice.