which to buy?


New member
I ran accross 2 nice rifles in my local gun store, both look to be in very nice condition and are there on consignment. They look to be unaltered, no rust or pitting, good color on the metal parts, nice wood, and very clean bores.

One is a Lee Enfield 303 and the other is a German Mauser 8mm but looks shorter than ones I've seen online. They are asking $250 each

I want a shooter that I could use for deer and wild pigs as well as for the range.

I have no experience with either of the guns or calibers.

What is the recoil like on these?

Any advice?

Thanks again
German Mausers should not be short - but FN sold a lot of shorter models. Be aware that a certain US Mauser dealer produces "tanker Mausers" that have no historic value. That said, any decent Mauser is a steal at $250, you have to pay that for a Turkish model by now.
Thanks, deffinitly not a tanker.
I have been looking at a few of the auction sites and think I may be mistaken about it being shorter. the first photos I looked at were a swedish mauser.

so whats it like shooting these two rifles?
To give you an idea of the recoil it would helpful to know what you have shot. That being said, either the 303 British, or the Mauser (8MM) would be a lot like a comercial 30-06 without a recoil pad.
The important thing is a proper, firm hold on either. Many that complain about the recoil of military rifles get hammered because they get sloppy with how they hold theme.
thanks cheapshooter
I've shot most of the standard modern rounds, 30-06, 270 etc.
most of my hunting is 100 yds or under, deep woods mostly, so I use a 30-30 most of the time, marlin 336 4-9x scope. I live out in the woods and own a bit of land.

I just recently got interested in WW-II firearms after inhereting a 6.5 Carcano, I really like the style of these older bolt action guns and would like a few more to shoot and hunt with.
I would like a Swedish 6.5 Mauser but ran accross the Enfield and the German Mauser today.
I like the look of the Enfield a lot but have no knowledge to base a purchase on with these two rifle.
The mauser seems to be easier to get ammo for. But I have read a few comments on the mauser being a bit punnishing on recoil.
I'm a little biased. I'm a huge enfield fan and cock on close designs in particular. I would take the enfield over the german mauser in a heart beat.

however there is just not a lot of information. german mausers in genuine condition normally sell for more than $1000 so either you've got a shop that has no idea what they are doing or you have a rifle that has been chopped up and drilled and tapped to make it more hunter friendly. 250 is not a bad asking price for an enfield in fair but still original condition.
There's a chance that mauser isn't German at all, or at least not a K98 at that price unless it's altered or a missmatched import.
I don't know a whole lot about your two choices of rifles, but given the information you provided I'd choose the enfield.

Lee Enfields are very nice rifles, but the .303 is a rather expensive round. The Mauser is a nice shooter, the ammo is cheap, and is an excellent hunting round. I have a Mauser Sporter in 8mm and it is a great rifle. Definitely go for the Mauser, I got mine for $150 but the rear sight leaf was missing and it wasn't in the best condition in the world.
Being a Mauser fan (5 of them) I would actually go for the Enfield if they were both in the same shape, otherwise the one in the best shape and/or best barrel would be my pick.
Recoil would be about the same with either, both are great rounds, and will kill game up to and including Elk & Moose at reasonable ranges, but I reload and if you don't, I believe 8mm to be more common.
Federal, Remington, Privi Partisan, Norma, & RWS are brands that I know of, plus a few surplus opportunities.
Well, I'm a partial Enfield guy myself. But, IF that is a K98 in reasonable condition, I would snap it up in a heart beat. But it may be another Mauser variant at that price. We just need more info to go on, to help you. As for hunting with one,......well check out my username ;). I have hunted with a .303 since I was 14. It will get the job done if you do your part.
Lee Enfields are very nice rifles, but the .303 is a rather expensive round. The Mauser is a nice shooter, the ammo is cheap, and is an excellent hunting round. I have a Mauser Sporter in 8mm and it is a great rifle. Definitely go for the Mauser, I got mine for $150 but the rear sight leaf was missing and it wasn't in the best condition in the world.

this is complete and utter nonsense. both 303 and 8x57 have identical price patterns. they range from cheap PRVI for around $16 a box to federal or remington premium for over $30 a box. as far as hunting goes, anything that you can kill with an 8mm you can also kill with 303 brit at the same distances. if it's too powerful for 303 brit then odds are it's too much for an 8mm too.
8mm ammo used to be cheap, not any more. Too many machine guns converted to shoot cheap 8mm, it's all gone now.

I've managed to find about about 1.5K rounds of .303, FN on clips in bandoleers and loose HPX. Can't wait to shoot it up.

Both rifles are fun mil-surp shooters, the LE with the 10rd mag wins the fire power contest.