Which to buy, or not to buy?

.50cal packer

New member
Ok, so back in the day, I had just about every major caliber rifle there was.
Then, life happened. So, for cash, the rifles had to go. :( Well, now that time has passed and kids have grown, I find I'm in a better position financially. I'm not looking for the model 70's or X bolts or 700's. I had them and they were great, but I don't need them. This is more of a caliber question. I want a good multi game gun and have narrowed it down to two. The 270 win or the 30-06. Both are long action and pretty hard hitting. The problem is, I used to own two 30-06's. One a rem 700 and the other a model 70. Neither could shoot great. Both had a 3 to 4 inch spread on the paper at 100 yards. My 270 was a Vanguard, and was a clover shooter at 100 yards. But, in North America, which is going to be my best choice for most things, I could ever encounter; even by accident? Thanks for all advice in advance.
So get a Vanguard in .30-06. Don't have confidence in the Winchester or Remington? Want a cartridge that will do most anything?

You had good results with the Vanguard, its a good rifle. That solves that part of you question. The .30-06 will work well for most situations that you will encounter, is probably the most available anywhere you look for ammo, and is unmatched in its versatility, so that is a good answer to the other part of the question.
Ehh, six of one, two-dozen of the other. :) Either's fine from varmints to elk.

I've always been an '06 guy, mostly because my father and uncle got me into that way back when the mountains were still just hills.

If you don't reload, odds are that the .308 performance will do just as well as the '06. Particularly with the typical 22" barrel that's so common in today's world. IMO, the '06 works best with a 24" to 26" barrel.

By and large in today's world, it's sorta hard to find a brand of rifle that won't shoot well inside of two MOA. Box-stock one MOA is halfway common, nowadays.
I patently dislike the .270 but fervently like the 30/06, that answers one question. Second question: I've never had a Howa(S&W, Mossberg, Vanguard) that was a dog. All have been accurate and functional. Some claim the Howa is heavy but I'll stick with robust(what's a couple of ounces if it shoots good?).
I have Howa made rifles in .223(std & varmint), 257Wby, 7mm08, 30/06, and 300 WM.
I don't think your poor accuracy with 30-06 back in the day should be attributed to the cartridge itself, but rather you probably just didn't find the pet load each of those 2 rifles "liked".

I own a 270, but do not own (yet) an -06. I have had one in the past but didn't like the rifle, which was a Rem 742... Would like to add an -06 to the rack at some point. Why?? Because I like variety....

Anyway, seeing as you are looking for versatility, I would say that given the 2 choices you are looking at, the -06 would get the nod if it were me in your shoes. You can load light bullets for speed like the 270, but the -06 gives you more range on the heavier side of things than the 270.

Get the -06 in whichever rifle lays your hair back and enjoy the hell out of it. :)
30-06 vs. 270, the age old debate continues:D Bottom line is that the only thing a 30-06 does that a 270 won't is shoot heavier bullets, 180, 200, 220 grain. Both are excellent cartridges and you can't go wrong regardless of which you choose.

Hard to believe you had a R700 "back in the day" that would not shoot well, that is not the norm.
50cal, I'd place as much value on the replies as the information you've given to arrive at them ie no location. no mention of type of hunting (if any) etc.

The only solid requirement given is to handle most any NA accidental encounter!
This, in addition to your 18year(?) span of non gun ownership, may suggest something more than a 30-06 if in grizzly country.
Sako 85 or Weatherby Mark V in 30'06 for off the shelf or a Model 70 Super Grade. If you want a nice rifle, have one built in 30'06. That way you get the action, barrel, stock and trigger that you want. Lots of great actions out there to choose from; Stiller, Surgeon, Bighorn, Defiant, etc. Lots of great barrels too; Hart, Bartlein, Krieger, Brux etc. Triggers; Jewel or Timney. The list goes on. You'll sink some coin into it but you'll get exactly what you want. Stocks, the sky is the limit from synthetic to wood to laminate.

Were I reloading for said cartridge, I'd opt for the .280 over the .270 just based on the plethora of bullets and weights available in the 7mm/.284 caliber.

What about the .308? or any of the others like the 7mm08, .260, 6.5X55? All offer milder recoil and similar stopping power at most hunting ranges.

You sir, have a dilemma, albeit a fun one to work through. Good luck.
First off,
Thanks for all the replies. As many points, have been taken. I do agree, that probable cause for the 30's , less than stellar proformance, Was the "sweet spot," for the liking of some certain ammo. As Art mentioned the length of barrel should be 24"-26", I did do some reading. Bringing it down to 22," pretty much, puts the proformance "on par," with the .308... Probably, the best caliber for me anyways. Now, to address 6.5swede's distaste for my post, I'll answer them accordingly. I wouldn't want the people of the firing line's post, to be undervalued, by me not telling my lifes story, including what color underwear i was wearing three days ago... Current location- Illinois. A non rifle hunting state. Very Very soon location, as in, were the rifle will be used- Texas, more-so, San Antonio area. A Rifle hunting state. I'm not a sniper, nor do I want to use the two forementioned calibers for home defence. Yes, It will be used for hunting. Not having a firearm for 18 years?- I never stated I hadn't owned a firearm for 18 years. I stated the RIFLES, had to go. Never mentioned my pistols, nor my shotguns. I assume the 18 years, came from the kids are grown and life happened statement... Life started when my kids were born. My son just turned 21 a little over a week ago. Life happened when my illness force me to resign from my job, and spend 2 years fighting for disability. Having a good job that pays well getting cut, to a government funded uncertainty, happened closer to 8 years ago. But that is just financial. As a C&R license holder, I can respect the name of 6.5Swedeforelk. But do not bash an opened ended question, Sorry for that guys :o, because I didn't feel like airing my laundry, to the forum. Thanks again for all the suggestions. I feel a .308 purchase coming on.
Now you just have to decide on which .308 configuration you want. And man oh man, you got about a million of them. We need to get busy helping you spend your money.
I did do some reading. Bringing it down to 22," pretty much, puts the proformance "on par," with the .308...

Not quite. I load both 30-06 and 308. From 22" barrels I get 2880-2900 fps with my 308's and 150 gr bullets. I get 3025-3050fps from my 30-06 and 150's. That is still closer to 150-200 fps more speed with a 30-06 and 22" barrels. Even a 26" barrel isn't likely to get you much more than 3100 fps. I'll give up 50 fps for a handier rifle.

The tiny difference between 22" and 24" isn't enough to guarantee the longer barrel is faster. I've seen individual 22" guns shoot faster than some 24" guns. You can expect about 15-25 fps difference for each inch you cut off a 30-06 barrel as you go shorter. But you can see as much as 100-125 fps difference between individual barrels of equal length. Around 25-50 fps is very common, but over 100 fps isn't unheard of.

All of that said, I agree the 308 is probably the better choice. I hunted with 30-06 for 40 years, but have used the 308 for the last 4-5 years. While the 30-06 is about 100-200 fps faster depending on loads, modern 308 loads are 200 fps faster than WW-2 era 30-06 loads. If the 30-06 was enough gun in the 1940's and 50's, the 308 is even better today. The 308 has noticeably less recoil and can be had in more compact, lighter rifles as well.
Hey, 50cal, I owe you an apology if you believe that I showed distaste for your post!
You may have to indicate the words that conveyed this.

Going by the following...
But, in North America, which is going to be my best choice for most things, I could ever encounter; even by accident?

For all the reader knows, you may have been a garbage collector in Churchill Manitoba, having to deal with starving polar bears in dark alleys.

As to color... not interested, but perhaps a wee knot?
I prefer 30-06 because of the versatility and availability of ammo. I have the Remington 742 I enjoy, and a Remington A3-03 fully parkerized with aperture sights. Both are great at the range!
I bought into 30-06 as a kid with sporterized 1903 Springfield's. Now I have several rifles in 30-06. Other than that it is .22, 30-30, 375H&H plus with the "black rifles" in .308 and .223. Below a Ruger No. 1 International, an Interarms Mauser, and a Winchester 1895 all in 30-06. I have never hunted with the 1895. Just bought one a few years ago because I always wanted one.
