Which SureFire for Nightstand Duty?


New member
I have been thinking...when there is a bump in the night, I have to put on my glasses (big pain in the butt when it is dark and you are disoriental) open my Simplex button lockbox (great addition to any home!) grab my pistol (condition 3 on everything, but thinking about doing C1 for my USP and KZ45, or C2 for my Beretta) THEN find a flash light. Kind of a lot to do in a hurry.

I am thinking about putting a SureFire on my nightstand gun. Between the Millenium, Nitrolon polymer and Classic, which is the best to put on a civvie's nightstand gun? The Millenium may be more tactical, but a little too big, a little too bright (uses more batteries) and a little too expensive for my purposes. Is the Classic 3v or 6v? I would consider it if it were 6V, but 3V is too little. 6v IMO is just perfect, but the Classic seems a little big. That leaves the Nitrolon. Both Wilson and Beretta have them mounted in their brochures and catalogs leaving me to think they are decent. The Nitrolon seems to be the most 'balanced' in every way.

The only reservation I have is that I am wary of another Nitrolon. I had an 8NX that I detested.

Another thing is should I get the shuttle switch? My concern (with or without the shuttle) is a flashlight AD in the gun box because of the pressure of the foam pads and running my batteries down.

Finally, I would like it to be compatible with all my handguns. Right now my USP45C is my primary nightstand gun. I have my Beretta by my desk (I sit here for hours a day reading gun and knife drivel online so it makes sense to put a gun nearby) so I would like it to be compatible with this light. I know the Vertec and my KZ45 are compatible because of photos in the respective gun catalogs. So which of these lights is compatible with all my handguns guns, or are they all?
I'm partial to the classic...

Greetings Skunkabilly

I've used classics in both the plain and "Z" 3V versions. Both have given me excellent service as nightstand flashlights and as vest pocket companions. One modification I ran across, and have had good results from, is to form a strap by tying an elastic band to the flashlight in such a way that it forms a bridge between the lens cap and butt caps of the flashlight. In use, you insert the two middle fingers of your supporting hand through the loop. This set-up allows you to use your flashlight, perform a reload if necessary, and get the flashlight back into use without fumbling around for it on the end of it's wrist lanyard.

I use an E-2 on the night stand. Because my 6-P is on my belt attached to my pants. If you are considering a mounted light, Surefire and Insight technology both have good products.
There are problems with using a mounted light; while you are serching you will be sweeping the muzzle all over the place. If you do discover someone or something that may not bennefit from being shot you still are pointing a gun at them to keep them illuminated. Due to the coaxial nature of the light and muzzle in still air you are likely to obscure your target after the first shot. The light will illuminate the smoke from the muzzle blast. The effect is alot like shinning your high beams in fog and snow. On the plus side a mounted light can free up one hand for opening doors, reloads, operating light switches or alarm control pannels.
I don't have a lamp on my nightstand pistol, but I keep a 6Z right next to it. Having a handheld vs. weapon-mounted lamp allows the light to be directed at objects/unknowns without covering them with the pistol.

If you get the surefire red or blue filter cap for your nightstand flashlight, you can use it to light the way if you have to get up at night for any non-tactical (;)) reason without waking up your SO, too.

- Gabe
my condition 1 Colt Commander or BHP on the night stand, along with my rechargable MagLite. I like that a LOT better than a sure fire. A LOT cheaper too.

Imho, surefire is the most over hyped,and over priced flashlight in the world.
when it is dark and you are disoriental
Seriously...coffee, blown up through my nose and out onto my keyboard, arms and shirt. Nice.
Nightstand gun's a G-lock with an adapter for a Scorpion on the mag baseplate.

I keep a 4-D-cell Maglite by the bed; it is BRIGHT! and doubles as a fairly decent ;) non-lethal impact weapon.
I have a Maglite by the bed and in each car, as much for their baton characteristic as for illumination.

SureFire Z2 CombatLight (handheld) by the bed as well. Small, convenient, and powerful.
You could check CandlePower forums, too....

Hi Everyone-

Currently, I utilize a rechargeable SureFire 9AN-Commander and a lithium-powered SureFire M2 as my two bedside lights. What with "Murphy's Law" and everything, no telling when the big 9AN could be out of juice. There is a flip-up red filter on the M2 for the exact reason described....a 3:00 a.m. run to the water closet! :)

The nice thing about the light not being "dedicated" to the gun is that it can pull other duties, like looking for the dog in the backyard, or something equally innocuous.

Their are plenty of lithium batteries around the house and I change them annually whether they need it or not. This is a comforting failsafe for my flashlights.

All of the cars have an E2 HA in the center console or attached to the dashboard with velcro, so I'm never too far from a powerful source of light. Suggestions and comments welcomed.


~ Blue Jays ~
hehe, I've got my browning on the nightstand along with a pair of russian NVGs, works great for chasing the cat around at night when she gets in trouble and I don't want to turn on the lights and wake up the wife. (FYI I don't chase the cat with the browning in hand, it's usually a bottle of windex)