Which suppressor?


New member
I'm going to buy a Walther P22, and a suppressor for it. I'm considering either the Lauer Preditor, or the Gemtech Outback. Does anyone have any recommendations on either one? The Lauer is $75.00 less than the Gemtech.
Thanks for the replies. In researching the Lauer, it looks like it can be disassembled for cleaning. I could find no reference to disassembly on the Germtech. How critical is this? Can the Gemtech be cleaned without disassembly?
I opted for the AWC archangel T. Its 100% constructed of titanium, its light as hell and impervious to the half/half vinegar&peroxide solution people use to clean/eat the lead out of 22 suppressors.

Remember as stated above, dont cheap out. You'll long forget about the coin you dropped on a nice supprressor when you wait 3/mo for the stamp to come back.

And 22 ammo is dirty so you will gum up a 22 can, get one thats take apart for cleaning or a sealed thats built with stainless or titanium, no aluminum. Happy shooting!:)
I'd skip both and go with a Tactical Innovations - perfectly good quality, quiet, inexpensive ($200ish), and able to be disassembled for cleaning.
Take apart cans used to be not so common, but the market is demanding them. 22 rimfire is dirty and leaves lots of powder fouling. The major issue though is the lead buildup from the non-jacketed bullets which will eventually fill up the can.

Sealed cans are generally lighter, but can't be as easily cleaned.

Take apart cans are generally heavier, but can be easily cleaned and can easily have the baffle stack upgraded by an SOT down the road.

Centerfire rifle cans are generally sealed as the jacketed bullets don't leave lead fouling and the powder fouling is easily cleaned with solvent.

For a first time buyer, I would recommend you get a take apart can. Other than that, it depends on what you want. There are plenty of take apart cans to choose from. TacInc used to be the place to go for a first timer because their cans had the best performance for the dollar in a take-apart package. Now that is no longer the case as the number of choices is simply mind boggling.

Some people want a lightweight can and are willing to sacrifice some performance to get that. Some people want maximum suppression and are willing to have a heavier can. Some people want something that extremely Murphy resistant. Others want something that is full-auto rated. People who shoot their can on a rifle will want something different than someone who shoots their can on a handgun. The person who uses their can for both will want something else.

So you need to think about not only what you are getting now, but what you might get in the future.
That's correct. Our .22LR cans cannot be taken apart by the user. However, to be honest, even our high-round-count demo cans don't seem to be having a problem with lead buildup. The Ti cans don't have the "solvent" issues aluminum can have. In any case, tossing a can in an ultrasonic cleaner for 5 minutes every few years isn't a big deal to me-- but I have *never* cleaned my personal/demo .22, 223, or bolt gun cans, either.

ETA: I believe John Titsworth's testing of our .22 models was quite favorable.
I believe he noted the 22L was "extremely quiet" and lightweight, a "top notch silencer", and that the 22S was "VERY lightweight". Ti is expensive, but they are rated for 17HMR and 22WMR also.

Anyway, there are a bunch of good silencers out there. I am glad Wildalaska has been happy with our suppressors-- I think he's seen the whole set by now.
Let me say that Zaks cans are extremely quiet (and I doubt that the average ear can tell the db difference between any quality can), well made, nicely finished and extremely light. We have sold them in every caliber he makes, my customers generall dont worry about cost. I also like the idea that if I want, I can PM one of the owners, or talk to him (like I did today when i called his partner to ask a question)...

I know he doesnt have like Skulls in his logo or Tactinames, but hey, I'm a fat shooter, not an operator:D

WildheyzakweneedafullautocannowAlaska TM