Which shotgun for home defense?

Which shotgun for home defense?

  • Mossberg 930 SPX

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Beretta 1301 Tactical

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Remington 1100 Tac 4

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • FN SLP MK1

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters
FITASC said:
Didn't we just have a poll like this last week?

If you mean with regards to some defensive shotgun poll, then probably although I don't recall a specific poll which has all four shotguns as in this poll.
I think there's a which home defense shotgun should I use thread every few days. My answer is none of those because I've never owned, shot, or even handled any of those.
Perhaps one of the most asked and answered questions in the gun world... along with 9 vs 40 vs 45, and AR vs AK, and which caliber for...

If a person were really interested in an answer, they'd simply google it and read for weeks on the topic.

I'll answer by saying it's not the arrow, it's the Indian. Or if you prefer modern terminology, the software is more important than the hardware.
Chances are if the OP get a bucket of fist sized rock's and practiced throwing them at a wall/target, those rocks will work just fine for HD

The main thing about HD shotguns is -- the home owner is going to kill some one, you don't shoot some one a little bit, it's not like a video game.
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If you want an autoloader and are going to put more than 2 0r 3 shells in the magazine tube, I would not go with any of those choices unless you know how to modify them to make them 100% reliable in that altered (and inconsistent with the design) condition.

The 1301 and SLP are the best of those 4. I do not like the controls of the 1301 and I would not choose it over the SLP. With all of those available to me, I would still go with the FNH P12.
As long as it's reliable, you are comfortable with it, and it's compact enough to carry through your house in a defense situation then it's a good home defense shotgun. A lot of people throw a fit if people don't agree with their choice. Most on the internet say an 870 or a 500. And then the in depth searching crowd will say to only use #1 buckshot. Well I can guarantee, myself included, most people on these forums have never been in a home defense situation or anything similar. Use what you like is basically what I'm saying. There's several variables that only you can figure out. I personally used to keep a cheap imported double barrel loaded with 000. I no longer do that and have went to a pistol now.
WV_Gunner, you are right on.

A good Home defense weapon has 2 requirements. You have to have access to it, and you have to be comfortable using it. You can't use a weapon you don't have, and you will be less willing to use a weapon you aren't comfortable with.

If you only have the option of having a single shotgun for home defense, first figure out who all in the household will be capable(either by decision or by physical ability) of defending the home. If you live alone, it's only you. If you are married with children, you need to consider who is going to defend them if you aren't home with them. Select a weapon that all household defenders can comfortably operate.

A single round of .410 00 buckshot has the same penetration as a similar round of 12ga buckshot. The only difference is that a 12ga typically has twice the number of projectiles per round, which means more wound channels and more stopping power per round. This doesn't mean that the .410 isn't an effective round, it just means that 12ga is a more effective round. However, that doesn't matter much if you aren't comfortable with it. Almost any adult can physically withstand firing a single round from a 12ga, but many are uncomfortable doing so because... it kicks like an angry mule.

If you aren't an experienced shotgunner, Go to a local gun range and rent a 12 gauge shotgun. Practice with it for 30 min. If you don't feel comfortable with it, or you don't expect that you will take the time to train to be comfortable with it.... DON'T BUY ONE. If there are other home defenders in your household who aren't comfortable with it, and you can't get another weapon for them also.... DON'T BUY ONE. Almost anyone can be trained within 30 min to be comfortable with a .410 shotgun. If that's all that you and your home defenders are comfortable with, it's better than a 12 gauge, because you all are actually comfortable with using it.

A reliable multishot shotgun is a better defense weapon than a single shot. The more rounds it will hold before you have to reload the more versatile and effective it is.... So long as it is reliable. A semi automatic shotgun with 15 rounds is FAR more effective but ONLY if it is reliable(many are not). If a firearm jams and you can't quickly clear it, you are left with a club(and not a good one).

I personally rely on a .410 saiga with a 15rd magazine. All of my household defenders can accurately fire 3 rounds on target faster than most can fire and rechamber their 12gauge pump. Most importantly, we are all comfortable with it. I average less than 1 jam or failure to feed every 500 rounds, which makes it pretty darn reliable. Most stock saiga shotguns aren't near this reliable.

Don't worry about what everyone else is using. Go to the range and find what YOU and your home defenders are comfortable with using. Then, find something reliable in your price range.