Which scoped 30-06: CZ 550 vs model 70?

Im in a tricky spot- considering a model 70 featherweight from the local shop. Its light as heck and pretty pointable. I bought it cause I need a hunting gun out to 200 ish yards(for now) with all the long range capabilities of a scoped high power gun. (plan to drive out to the country to do some long range shoots eventually)

Thing is I havent shot it yet and its already hurting my shoulder- the cz 550 american is a pound heavier and should soak up recoil a good bit better. Not into the FS model as it has a bavarian stock that puts my eye in line with sights and not a scope.

Seeing as how I am just getting my hunting license this gun is prolly gonna see more range time than hunting time for now- what would yall do, keep the model 70 and see if I can handle the recoil or go with the cz?
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I have had a CZ 550 since 2006 and really like it. Well built and very accurate, but since you all ready have the M70 in hand, I'd stay with that. If you don't like it you can always get the CZ later.

A good recoil pad will probably help with recoil as well.
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I have a Model 70 Supergrade in .270 and a CZ 550 in .30-06 with the factory HS Precision Kevlar stock ( That CZ might be lighter than the .270 wood stock.)

Both have about the same recoil - both have a pretty big powder column but the .30-06 shoots heavier bullets so it might have a bit more recoil but I don't notice it.

I don't think the recoil will be a problem with either rifle, especially for hunting, as long as you mount the rifles to the shoulder correctly. Bench work might be more of a challenge.

I shoot both on the bench a lot in developing loads for them and I don't have a problem with shooting 50 rounds at a session as long as I let the barrels cool down.

The .270 is particularly sensitive to barrel heating - it will put two shots touching and then each shot successively moves out 3/8ths of an inch at 2 o'clock. By 5 shots you don't have a 1 MOA group. It makes shooting groups particularly frustrating unless you let the barrel cool down.
It takes forever to test loads.

The .30-06 is marginally better with barrel heating but it still will only keep its accuracy when you let it cool down.

Then again, they are hunting rifles so you shouldn't ever need more than 2 shots to dispatch anything if you do your part.
Rustle in the bushes:

Keep the M-70. It is known as the riflemans rifle for a reason: it points good and it is accurate. The trigger is good also. I've been hunting with mine since 1956. Through the years I have purchased at least ten rifles in different calibers and different manufactures with the intent to hunt with them. However, when it came time to hunt, I always took my M-70. By the way, the M-70 is the only rifle on the marker that you can disassemble the bolt in the field with out tools . This is a good feature if you are hunting is freezing weather and rain.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery Sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired
Since you are already have recoil playing a head game on you, go with the CZ, but in .270 or .243 if you are hunting deer size game. If you can't lick the recoil head game, you are not going to shoot well ... bad for the game and you!
By the way, the M-70 is the only rifle on the marker that you can disassemble the bolt in the field with out tools . This is a good feature if you are hunting is freezing weather and rain.

The CZ bolt can also be disassembled by hand.