Which Remington Shotgun?


New member
Hello All,

I'm thinking about purchasing a Remington 870 shotgun but am unsure whether I should get a new Express Magnum or a used (possibly Police) Wingmaster. I've heard that the finish on the Express will rust if you look at it but I was considering the idea of sending it off for parkerizing. I have seen a few Police trade-in Wingmasters that are already parkerized with factory mag extensions.

I'm want a shotgun that I can use for both home defense and also to shoot trap or skeet or other clay pigeon fun. I'm thinking I may need a pair of barrels when all is said an done.

Any constructive opinions or comments are appreciated.

Thanks you,

I've never heard that the express finish rusts...ugly, yes...rust no...

Both would be a fine choice...if you can find the police model for a reasonable price go for it. A good all around clays barrel would a 28in.
One 870,two or three bbls.

Start with, hopefully, a used cruiser gun, a WM.

That short bbl is your HD bbl.Chances are it has a fixed choke, usually quite open.

Second, add a 26", 28", or 30" Remchoked bbl and a pocketful of tubes. Start with Cylinder and go up to Full or Turkey Full.

Third, add a slug bbl. This could be a fully rifled, scoped bbl for turning your 870 into a 12 gauge deer rifle or a open sighted smoothbore, tubed or not. Of course, the HD bbl may be used if it has sights or can be sighted.

Or, if this seems difficult, get one of the Express combos. Old WMs are great shotguns, Expresses are still good ones.

After while,a problem with this approach may surface. You may dislike changing bbls. So, the next step if to pull a McC and set up an 870 for avery possible use, the more the better(G).

I've heard that the finish on the Express will rust if you look at it but I was considering the idea of sending it off for parkerizing.

Just picked up a new Remington 870 Express Magnum w/deer rifle sights and rifled bore yesteday and it came parkerized. All of the ones I've seen were parkerized although I'm sure they come in standard blued also.

I spent $285 for mine with the rifled barrel and different slug barrel type stock on it.

I've seen the Combo going for $355.00 at Walmart. They include an 18"cylinder bore w/rifle sights and 26" vent rib w/remchoke barrel.

Good SHooting
The 870 Express finish is either bluing over a bead plast or someyhing like that. Mine is not as tough as parkerizing and does indeed rust eaisily. So far, car wax seems to be the best thing I've used to keep it clean.
All my 870's are Express models. The oldest one (police trade-in) has a honest to goodness blued finish. The others are the current style blue-over-rough metal. Mine have never had this rust issue of which you speak. I use CLP when I clean them (after every trip out) and the later rough finish actually seems to soak up the CLP (probably imagination/evaporation?).
I am not happy with Big Green's current state of political correctness so I like to buy mine used and send them a note to tell them why. If they ever stop with this PC BS, I will be one of the first in line for a new 870.
Mike, this year is the first year that rust has been an issue. I suspect a change in my body chemistry. Sweat seems to be the culprit, am slowly getting in the habit of waxing or wiping all my firearms after use.

The Express did have more rust that a Police 870 shot the same amount, the same day.
The finish is blue over a bead blast finish? Wow..learn something new everyday.

I thought for sure the stuff was parkerizing.

As for rusting, I've never had a problem with them. But then I keep my weapons extremely clean. I'll check the ones at work and see what we have on ours.

In my household rust on any gun is a sin.:D

Good Shooting
Remington Shotgun

I favor the Marine Magnum. I live four blocks from the Pacific Ocean, so corrosion resistance is a big deal to me. It is rust proof, has a slicker action than any other Remington, and it comes with a magazine extension already on it.
Of course, the Marine Magnum is not all black, but I suppose that you could paint it if the color was an issue. For home defense, color wouldn't matter.
My Marine Magnum patterns very well with Federal H-13200 buckshot, and even with some ancient GI XM162 00 buck like that I was issued in 1968!
Remington says that their blue over bead blast finish is only 60% as resistant to rust as the parkerized finish on their police models. They suggest using their Rem-Oil and letting it stay on the finish for an hour so it gets absorbs into the metal.
Great replies. Thanks guys.

I have considered the marine 870 but I'm not sure how seriously I'd be taken if I went out to shoot clay pigeons with a nickel-plated SG. I'm still thinking about getting an 870 express with synthetic furniture and having it parkerized for $85.

Not sure yet. I have found some decent deals on Wingmasters for around $300 used.

I'm also trying to decide just how important a mag extension is to me. I mean, I don't know what the rules are for number of shells when shooting clay pigeons and whether removing the extension and replacing it is easy or not.

Any more comments or advice are appreciated.


If you shoot a nickel plated SG at clay pigeons and hit all of them,Drivie, you'll be taken very seriously.

Some ranges have iddywa rules about bbl length. All allow only one or two shells to be loaded. Check first.

As for mag extensions, it's up to you. Few HD confrontations that can be solved with a shotgun will require more than a shot or two. OTOH, the extension aids recoil control and can tighten up slug groups.

As for Parkerizing vs the Express finish, my overpublicized parts 870, yclept Frankenstein, has an Express bbl mounted to its Park'd receiver. Plenty of wet usage, including salt marshes and goose blinds. No rust on either.....

Thanks for your advice and wisdom. I visited my local gun shop over the weekend and found two SGs that were interesting. The first was a Remington 870 WingMaster (gently used) with two barrels. The barrels were both the same length but one had a choke tube and the other was cylinder bore (if I'm saying that correctly). They were asking $350.

The second SG was a Mossberg 500 with two barrels. One barrel was 18.5" and the other was 26". This one is selling for $290 NIB.

Of these two, which would make the most sense and which is the better SG. I must admit that I like the location of the safety and the action bar lock on the Mossberg but I can't help but think about the durability and legacy of the 870.



This is a close call, Drivie.

Under heavy use the 870 will last longer. But the Mossie will outlast us if maintained.Best guess, 25K of heavy loads will make the Mossy need a rebuild.That's a lot of shooting. Shotguns like these do not wear out often, they die from neglect and abuse.

Ease of operation,once one learns the "chops", is about the same.

More aftermarket stuff is there for the 870, tho NO aftermarket is essential. Either weapon is quite effective out of the box.

In your shoes, I'd get the 870, have that Cylinder bore bbl cut to 18-20", and go shooting with both. I've been shooting 870s since Ike was prez, and it influences me greatly, you may prefer the 500 and it's a good shotgun.

Bought an express new in 91. Never had any rust or malfunctions. Another option is a used wingmaster. I bought one used around 5 years ago for $175.Good luck.
Wingmaster magnum and if it needs it send to Robbie Barkkman for a tune up and NP-3 job and you will have the BEST there is IMHO(and lots of others).:p