which pro-gun organization is effectively using the message of "defense"


New member
The 1/20/00 Washington Post carried excerpts from Klinton's anti-gun remarks in Boston Tuesday. The remarks followed the usual pattern: (1) blame the NRA for 1999's failure to pass new anti-gun measures (as a NRA member I wish it was half as powerful as claimed); mention "Columbine High" (a pure play to emotions); and (3) tie gun restrictions (i.e. assult weapon ban, large capacity mags, etc.) to saving lives ("kids, police officers, and citizens") without any proof for the claim as well as asserting the lack of "burden on any lawabiding sports person in this entire country" from gun restrictions. The obvious audience includes those that don't own guns while the non-obvious audience is a large segment of gun-owners,i.e. the "sports person". History shows England's gun owners loss the struggle when the reason to possess arms shifted from "defense" (personal, family, or country) to "sporting use". Which pro-gun group,if any, really pushes defensive use arguments both on the hill and to the public at large? What methods does the effective group use to emphasize the legitimacy of its position? I know a lot of 2nd amendment web sites urge defense, but would an anti or your average "sports person" that isn't a member of a pro-gun group go to those sites? If I were to support another pro-gun group, one that really tries to spread the defensive use message to the public would be high on my list--but which group does so?
We're new, but you will like our mission statement: "Mothers Arms is a non-profit organization created to inform, educate and support the development of self-reliant women nationwide who consider it a fundamental right and responsibility to protect their children, their property and themselves from human aggression and assault."

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Regards from AZ