Which of my guns should I use on my next coyote hunt?


New member
I have a henry .22, a remington 7400 in .270, a savage in .243, and a 12gauge with an IC barrel and iron sights. My question is which of these should I bring hunting next weekend? Im not looking to keep the pelts. I have taken ole wiley with all exept the 270, so what do yall think?

Im on the fence between the 243 and 270 but I want some better opinions than my own. I tried tanning the pelts and failed really badly... My shots are usually 30-75ish yards, seeing as I hunt the thick, hilly WNC woods. But man, I need bullet/rifle combo ideas, anyone got one in mind?
I'd go with the .243. I forget whether or not you said you reload. Anyhow, the Federal load with the Sierra 85-grain BTHP is as accurate as my handloads have always been with that bullet since long before the Federales figured it out. :D

If you reload, try the Hornady 70-grain or the blue-tip 55-grain, whichever brand those are.

Works good on Bambi, too, if you're a bit picky about the shot placement.
I dont reload. Want to one day when I have the money for a set up, heck I would trade a gun for a reloading setup... One day, but not today. So far Im hearing .243, any other ideas or is it back to old reliable?
Are you calling? I agree the .243 is a good coyote gun, but if you are calling, a shotgun works well for close in shots. I have a Savage .223 over a 12 gauge shotgun that works very well on called coyotes. If they hang up out a way, you have the rifle. If they're in your lap, the 12 with #2 shot is perfect.
OK I'll be different if the 7400 shoots good enough, Being you've not tried it yet. The 270 sure makes a different show thats for sure. Good luck
Browse gunshows, eBay and Craig's list for reloading gear. It doesn't wear out. If the inside of a sizing die isn't scratched, it's good to go. Some of my stuff is over sixty years old. I'm partial to the RCBS "O" press, FWIW.
If you are trying to save the skins the 243 and 270 may be a little hard on them.
If you are a good shot with your 22 and your shots will be between the 35 to 75 yard distance you mentioned I would most likely go with that.
If I was using a 22 I would try for head shots and pratice with the 22 making some quick follow up shots.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Browse gunshows, eBay and Craig's list for reloading gear. It doesn't wear out. If the inside of a sizing die isn't scratched, it's good to go. Some of my stuff is over sixty years old. I'm partial to the RCBS "O" press, FWIW.

Hey Art, be careful you are telling your age " some of my stuff is sixty years old".:D

I agree with what Art said about the RCBS "O" press, I have two of them set-up in my reloading shop.
I've seen them sell at garage sales for $35.00 with a set of dies.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
I like the 243. I've used 100gr core-lokts on coyotes. Puts them down hard and isn't all that bad on pelts. Not that it matters to either of us:D
If I was using a 22 I would try for head shots and pratice with the 22 making some quick follow up shots.
I've went for the double lung shot with a 22 LR and had them run off a good distance. Still killed them just not instantly. Headshots will work just fine for 22 LR.
If you have a 22 magnum 30-75 yards works perfectly.
Im on the fence between the 243 and 270
243 gets my vote based on the cartridge. However if the savage is a bolt gun I would seriously consider the 270 for the simple fact that the remington 7400 is a semi auto.
A lot of people use AR15s for coyote hunting for two big reasons. The first is that they are accurate and are more than capable of taking a coyote with a single shot, like a bolt gun. The second is they are semi auto so given the reality of field shooting you have faster follow up shot than a bolt gun.
Personally, I would take the lighter weight rifle.