Which Nyclad is best for 2"


New member
Which Nyclad for self defense is best for 2" .38 revolver, the 125gr.+p or the 158gr. +p ? I see that the 125+p is about 25% less money than the 158, when ordered on line.
I'd trust the 158 first.


Both are tuned to expand out of short tubes, or at least that was the goal near as we can tell. Whether they'll actually expand or not is a bit of a crapshoot regardless, although the odds ain't all THAT bad.

Where the 158 shines is in situations where your assailant is armed with a club or similar. In that case, all you really need to do to "stop" them is to literally take away their mobility.

And the pelvis/hipjoint area is a *huge* target. Break it, and they're not a threat anymore. But it takes more than raw energy numbers to do so, it's more like a "big game problem" so you need something with momentum. 158+P qualifies, barely.

It doesn't *usually* kill, although it damned well can, don't be stupid and treat it as casually as you would pepper spray! It's possible to nail the femoral arteries up above the groin instead of where they usually get hit just below. The closer to one of the actual hip joints you get, the more "mechanical damage" you rack up and yet the odds of fatality go down, because as the femorals run up past the inside of each leg they veer towards the center of the pelvis versus out where the joints are.

DO NOT try this shot on a gunman! Not ever. Yes, he'll drop, but his life support and blood pressure will probably be intact, he'll be hyped up so the pain won't hit for up to 30 - 60 seconds, and he'll be able to return fire no problem at all. This is for the idiot with a baseball bat, knife, hammer, etc. and collectively those make up a huge percentage of lethal-weapon assaults. I've had to face 'em down twice now, it's annoying as hell.
I hear the difference in +p nyclad over the non +p is about 40 fps..is this worth the extra recoil and flash in an airweight? I'm thinking of going to the standard 125 nyclad for my 442...I now have gold dot 125 +p but everyone seems to rave about the nyclad...anyone know if the gold dots expand?