Which Makarov ???

AC's & 45's

New member
I have heard a lot of talk lately about the bulgarian version. I have also heard that the east german version is the cream of the crop. I am wanting to grab one up.
What are the virtues of each. The german models seem to be a little harder to come by. I really don't beleive I want a chinese model. bad experiences with other chinese guns.

How would the german model compare to the bulgarian in accuracy, trigger pull, reliability etc.... .
Toss a coin!

The Bulgie and East German Mak are very close in accuracy and reliability. In fact all Maks are close in these departments and they are great. The EG may be finished a little better, but I have both and have a hard time telling them apart. My Bulgie seems to be slightly more accurate. You can't go wrong with either one. Check out:


I can only give you what I know from my personal, limited experience. I have both the Bulgie and EG Maks. For fit and finish, the EG wins hand down. On the other hand, although my EG is accurate the Bulgie is a bit more accurate. I have heard this from others as well. At the price these go for buy both. I think the similarities far outway any differences between these two Maks. I have not heard many good things about the Norico Mak probabily the most common complaint is that of "wearing out" quicker than they should.
In the past year I have owned the Russian Com, the Bulgie and the EG. Accuracy was about the same with all. Reliability with FMJ was 100% with all. Finish on the Russian was poor with potential rust problems. I ended up selling the Russian and Bulgie and keeping the EG. Just a better quality Mak IMO. Mine was made in 1964.
As far as I am concerned, the only thing you should worry about is the sights. The Russian has adjustable sights which are great for plinking, but not so good for CCW as they tend to hang on your clothing during the draw. Buy either or, or buy all 3 and enjoy.
The better finish of an E.G. translated into something I could actually feel when shooting. I had both a Russian commercial and an E.G. and spent about five months shooting only the rusky because I liked the sights better.

I then got out the german gun and it felt "softer" which is the best I can describe it. Accuracy and trigger was the same but handling it and operating it felt more comfortable
and the recoil was less harsh.

I sold the Russian and kept the German.
I got a couple of the EG Maks from AIM, the nice thing about them is they have the best reputation of the Maks, and they're available with my C&R license! :)