Which is the biggest (most members) Reloading-Bullet Casting forum?

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it is a Little off Topic but really want to know this.

Which Gun Forum, Reloading Forum or Bullet Casting Forum is the biggest? Has most members? Cast Boolits has a too strict policy as it seems for me since they constantly ban me without reason.

Is there a list someone can give me?

Biggest with most active members and Threads&posts reloading-casting Forums.

Thanks guys in advance for the Infos.
Yes I know Castboolits.com from personal (not very pleasant) experience.

If you say they (Cast Boolits) are the biggest then I can only assume they "suffer from the sickness of an Monopoly": They can afford to ban their (politically incorrect, persona non grata) members without any reason and risk they leave their Forum. They even told me "they had banned and lost valuable members like this for even a lesser reason".

I have already some experiences with their Moderators inclusive they banned most recently my IP (no reason at all I can even think of). Their members are very Ok and smart and their Webpage is appealing. I wished their Management would Change.

Which forum is in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc place in your opinion?
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The largest firearms forum is probably ARF (ar15.com).
This place (TFL) and The High Road (THR) aren't too far down the list.
GBO (Greybeard Outdoors) has a lot of active members.

For reloading forums....
I'd say ARF, TFL, THR, MO (Marlin Owners), and CB (Cast Boolits) are all roughly equal. Each reloading forum has differing numbers of members, different activity levels, and its own "specialization". MO might be much more lever action oriented, ARF is much more semi-auto oriented, and CB is more cast bullet oriented; but TFL, THR, and GBO are fairly unspecialized. Anything and everything shows up on a regular basis.

But, if you're finding a way to get yourself banned from the CB forums, including an IP ban, then you may not last long anywhere else, either. ...Except for maybe ARF. They tolerate some pretty ridiculous behavior, personal attacks, and completely unjustified rants and 'bashing' episodes.
In my experience TFL is way more tolerant than Cast Boolits.
Actually this thread would not be allowed on CB (in my experience).

They got mad (supposedly "poor behaviour") as I was posting <<meanwhile I was not posting on Cast Boolits I posted at The Firing Line under the pseudonym TheGuyOfSouthamerica>>. After that started the ban as well banned my IP. I leave it to you to judge if any normal Person consider that a valid reason.

I am also in the "Mayor" (7700 members) gun Forum in german speaking Europa (Germany-Austria-Switzerland) and they Charge each other with pretty heavy verbal assaults and even pro Nazi tendencies and downtrodding other nationalities. Maybe they are nearer than we are to the constitutional concept: E pluribus unum.

I do not know. Maybe we as "americans" have to reinvent freedom of speech, opinion and press? I have a strong Feeling we have to recover some Basic values we had once but lost.
I have been on gun forums for more than a decade and never been banned for anything I wrote in many thousands of posts.

Castboolits is one of them. Read the rules and follow them has worked for me.
Hi jmorris,

I know you from Cast Boolits Forum.

I found AR15.com Forum is not bad. I am there registred as TheGuyOfSouthamerica. Just Reloading is an less important Forum for them I guess. I am focused on reloading and casting.

Well These are my Cast Boolits Forum experiences that is why I ask you guys. The whole issue started with my post on their Political and Religious Forum which is a very important Topic for me (and I like to discuss things which other People take as argueing and fighting. I believe one has to fight for the truth! But this opinion do not share lots of People novadays).
So I get easily between crossfires and I am Kind of used to that already (for Christ sake we should be willing to suffer!).
This is the way the world work nowdays, dont like something someone has said? Rather than having an adult conversation and *GASP* agree to disagree or greater still, maybe get a different perspective we simply BAN people and shut them down. :rolleyes:

This is my favorite casting/reloading forum. Very little static, just some good folks who truly like to help.
Thank you so much Chainsaw,

I guess I remember you from Cast Boolits as well.

Yes I agree completely what you have said. It seems normality is slowly Fading away; same Thing applies to almost anybody in Southamerica (as I was working in Canada my Boss told me "-CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-s flows allways downhill"). It is allways a pleasure for me to meet normal People.

There are as well some "Persiflage" Videos on Youtube about this Kind of issues like These 2:

Perhaps you should go back to castboolits and ask politely if they will re-instate you.

Of course, you would also have to learn to play well with others.

If they say "don't do that", then..... don't DO that.

If you cannot control your political "passion", you should perhaps go to a political forum, and argue to your heart's content.

Here's a hint.... castboolits is primarily a gun/shooting/bullet casting forum. Some gentle political discussion is allowed, but if you get obnoxious, it's off to banned camp.
I wrote the Administrator or to whom "in the empty airspace" that message may have went, SEVERAL TIMES but never got a word back.

I have absolutely no idea why they would have an Politics&Religion section if you can not express yourself. Seems that "If you are not liberal as the liberals are then the liberals become very soon very unliberal with you".
If someone is not Fitting their (whoever runs or pays those Forums. Maybe the Saudis?) Mainstream then the bullying, Mobbing and censoring starts.

The Society I live in (Southamerica) has shifted to that Kind of very intollerant social behaviour as well: If you ain't agreing the whole package; get out.
Seems Alexis d'Toqueville and Plato was right when he says that sooner or later Democracy becomes the dictatorship of the masses (People, mediocre, average People) when Democracy turns to an Laoscracy (greek Laos=Lower leveled People) than it turns to an Kakocracy (from greek kakos=excremental Level People and cracy= ruling). You see already in the 18th century d'Toqueville observed this. So everybody who is not with the masses is a troll and low Level trolling (that is what I was called at Cast Boolits).
Well, unfortunately, you're getting close to stepping over the line here, as well (or already have, depending upon the point of view).

TFL isn't a place to rant about the politics and administration of other forums.
Nor is this particular forum (Bullet Casting & Reloading) a place to rant about politics.

Rules can be a pain in the butt. But on internet forums, they keep things in check, so that the entire operation doesn't turn into anarchy.
The ability to disagree on issues and remain civil does seem to be a dying, if not already a lost art.

In the US, our Constitutionally enumerated right to free speech applies, only to interaction between citizens and the Government.

Web sites like TFL are private places, despite public access, they are privately owned and we are all guests here. We have no "rights" as guests, only such privileges as the owners allow.

If you behave in a manner that displeases the owners you will be asked to leave or just banned. Violation of forum rules, gets you gone, its that simple.

And that being said, this topic is inappropriate for this forum and this thread will be closed.
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