which is the better choice as a CCW...


New member
S&W 442 or S&W 60 (if both used, same condition)? I realize the latter has .357 capability and a steel frame but it's about 7 oz. heavier. Price is about the same, give or take. Any quick thoughts?
The 442 because it can take the magnum loads. While one may not always feed it a steady diet of magnum or heavy loads, it's comforting to know that the gun will accept it without fear of damage.
Actually, the 442 CANNOT take the magnum (.357) loads. What it can take (in limited dosages) are +P loads (.38 Special).

I have had a 442 which is a joy to carry and not too bad to shoot with lighter weight +P loads (110-125 grain not 158 grain--I carried 125 grain Nyclads) and a 640-1 (.357 magnum) in which I carried the +P 158 grain LSWCHP. My take on these revolvers is that are last ditch all else has failed ultra close range weapons--I am not a LEO, and I do not have to confront bad guys. If I ever have to use one of these revolvers, I want the most absolute raw power available--in weapons this size that is the 125 grain .357 magnum.

I am now carrying a Ruger SP-101 loaded with 125 grain .357 magnums because it handles the full load magnums beautifully. In terms of weight, I almost always carry on the belt with a good belt and holster so weight is not a real factor for (but I can slip in a pocket for a quick run the dumpster, etc.)--I just don't carry that way.
No mags for 442

I have a 442 and it is my primary CCW weapon. It is a pleasure to shoot and is quite accurate as long as I do my part. juliet charly is absolutely correct! The S & W 442 will NOT take .357 magnum loads. It will do just fine for .38 Special +P's but do not load it with magnum loads.
If you're going to CARRY a lot, go with the 442. An even better choice would be the 642...same basic gun, but the barrel and cylinder are Stainless instead of blued...less maintenance of the finish necessary. On the other hand, if the gun in question is going to be SHOT a lot-i.e., practice, plinking, etc., OR if the ability to fire .357 Mag. ammo IS important to you, go with the Model 60. FWIW, I don't like to shoot Magnums in Model 60's OR in Ruger SP101's...the recoil and blast just isn't any fun AT ALL!!! Honesty compels me to admit that firing "plus P's" in the 442 that I carry most days isn't much fun, either...but, to me, at least, a "plus P" in the airweight 442 SEEMS to have less recoil than the Maggies out of a Model 60. Hope this has been of some help...let us know what you decide on !!!....mikey357
go with the 642 or 442. i have a model
60. great gun but the added weight would
discourage me from carrying it under certain
circumstances/dress. you would be more
likely to carry the 642/442 and would have
it if you needed it.
it can handle limited +P, not magnum.
even if it could handle magnum, i sure
wouldn't feel comfortable about my ability to
hit a target the tremendous blast and recoil
from a such a lightweight, short barreled
S&W Model 60 in .38 Special; the very first stainless
steel handgun, dating back to around 1965. Widely sought after during the Viet-Nam war.:eek:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

I use the 442 as a primary cary weapon. I called S&W a few months back to see their take on feeding it +P loads. They said no prob. I still don't, though. Just regular hydra-shocks or nyclads. Great gun, very accurate if you take the time to learn it.