Which is better? A stick or gun

To me this a no brainer. A local guy came home from work and next door neighbor said there is some one in the back yard. So He grab his "ninga sticks" and confronted him. The Bad Guy took his Simi-auto and killed him. My feeling is that when I hear some thing I grab at least one revolver to go see what it is. If I know there is some one there, and someone I do not know, I also take a shot gun with buck shot. Question: At times I think I am going too far, but what if I am not. Is it better to to have a fighting chance, than be shot?
ninja sticks? you mean like a set of nunchaku or kali sticks?

Maybe the guy didn't own a firearm. I'd rather have some kind of weapon than none at all but naturally I'd rather have the 1911 at my side.
If it's someone who is clearly not supposed to be there e.g. not someone looking for their lost dog or retrieving a ball hit over the fence, I would call the police and watch the person from inside the house until the police arrive. I wouldn't walk into a potentially dangerous confrontation if I could avoid it.
He didn't even bring a knife to a gun fight.

He brought a pointy stick.

Kinda ends that runaway thread.:p

Yup. anytime I hear a bump in the night (or the day), there's a handgun handy pretty quick. I've got 15 years martial arts experience and the black belt to show it, but I leave the exotic weapons or the empty hands as a backup to the guns.
Someone once said, "walk softly but carry a big stick" or I think that's how it went. Well you carry your big stick, I'll carry my 357 or 45.:D
i would be opening my 2nd floor window and yelling out "hello,can i help you". or if i didn't have a 2nd floor. any window with a good view of the person or persons. phone in one hand gun in the other. both out of sight though.
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i would be opening my 2nd floor window and yelling out "hello,can i help you". or if i didn't have a 2nd floor. any window with a good view of the person or persons. phone in one hand gun in the other. both out of sight though.

as far as gun or stick? i would pick the gun. unless i didn't have one and needed something other than my bare hands.
The person who said "walk softly but carry a big stick" was probably thinking about a .45-70 'stick.'
A guy in Texas saw his car being stolen. He ran out with his hunting bow and arrow and was shot.

In the supermarket, some Tactical Knife magazine had on its cover:

Home Defense! Knives.

- Tactical Cave - 1,000,000 BC

The Big Rock - Ultimate Cave Defense Weapon.
walter, having a fighting chance is a better thing.

tplumeri, i try to be nice unless i am threatend first. now having said that if my response to "hello,can i help you" was go f yerself or something of similar negativity. i would be calling 911 and watching for a weapon to come out.

now if they decided to hop over to my side of the yard they would hearing a pump slide rack and me yelling out the window" get the hell outta here". i can't shoot them unless they come into my home and cause harm,and i can't shoot them in the yard.