Which is a better LMG?


New member
Among the following three which LMG do you like better and why?

FN MINIMI 5.56 Nato
HK MG42 7.62 Nato
PK 7.62x54R

FN Minimi. Better design. Modern weapon. Lighter weight. One man can operate it and carry the ammo. Becaue it's 5.56, you can carry more ammo.

Although I see no purpose for the 5.56 round in semi-auto AR rifles, outside of shooting wild dogs and rabbits, it has a lot of utility in full-autos because of capacity. I.e. I'd rather face and enemy with a less powerful machinegun and more ammo than a more powerful machinegun and significantly less ammo.
the 249 has some jamming issues but it is the lightest of the three.

the MG-3 (.308 MG-42) is a great gun but it is heavy and has a very high R.O.F

The PKM is a big bulky fun gun with a decent R.O.F and very cheap ammo.

If you have to carry it the 249. if it is a stationary fun-gun the PKM (cheap ammo).but if you have money to burn the MG-3
M60 got a bad rap from mostly those who have never shot one.I've put maybe 200,000 rounds through them and if you keep them clean and oiled they run like a champ.Why not a Bren too?Mag fed but that old dog is still soldiering on.
... only the M249 is an LMG.

Which I have only seen have a stoppage once, but boy was it a doozy to fix.

The other two are GPMGs.
Do any of the others besides the M249 have contingency feeding methods? I always thought it was very clever of the designers to allow the M249 to feed from a standard M-16/AR-15 magazine in addition to the normal belt feed. Seems like it's a very useful feature.
Do any of the others besides the M249 have contingency feeding methods? I always thought it was very clever of the designers to allow the M249 to feed from a standard M-16/AR-15 magazine in addition to the normal belt feed. Seems like it's a very useful feature.
My cousin, and others that I have read, say that the mag feed is more of a gimmick than anything practical. It's never used outside of training because the gun is unreliable feeding from AR mags, mag can't feed rounds fast enough, and they often tear up the mags.
I knew it tore up the mags, my understanding was that was more or less an unavoidable consequence of resorting to the contingency.

I hadn't heard that there were issues with feeding from the mags. That's very interesting--thanks for the information.
Of the ones you listed I would take the PKM.

I love the M60 and if looking at a transferable that is the one to go with.

I have a UK59 and it makes me wonder why anyone would want to carry a pig.
I hadn't heard that there were issues with feeding from the mags. That's very interesting--thanks for the information.
Yup, because the gun doesn't have to pull a belt when feeding from a mag, the cyclic rate increases significantly.

AR-15s often have the same problem when running with a suppressor. More back pressure, higher cyclic rate, mag can't keep up.
Belt and Mag

I carried a SAW for a longtime, you will have problems if the mags are less than top shelf, old or loaded to thirty rnds, stick to 25-28. I really loved the option of shooting from a mag, after all "If you die we are splitting up your gear" works well when you are out of drums. I believe we should drop the rate of fire to a more weight friendly 500-600 rpm but I am not a 'smith so that is the smart kids in Aberdeen's area.
Yup, because the gun doesn't have to pull a belt when feeding from a mag, the cyclic rate increases significantly.
Sounds like they need a third gas setting to slow the cyclic rate when using the mags.
Amen, to a third gas setting! I would and hopefully will get one as my second NFA gun, 1st being the original Squad Automatic Weapon!
Uncle Firepower,
You have been adopted. When can I come and visit you?


The reason for lisiting the three is obvious...availability.

FN Minimi is harder to find here and more expensive. I do like its magazine option, because that makes it easier where the paperwork is concerned.

PK is just awesome with raw 54r power and cheap ammo. I believe its also low maintenance.

MG is also a good option for me because the x51 ammo is made locally, thus cheap. Since this is made under HK license in Pakistan, it is cheapest in cost.