Which hunt next?


New member
I'm talking about a travel and spend some money guided hunt. Retired, and I have one, maybe two big hunts left in my bank account and these aging bones. Any suggestions are welcome, but here are some things I am considering.

Africa - plains game, including buffalo. Never been, and I hear good things. But I'm not much of a trophy hunter, mostly because I have no place to hang hides or horns. I'd love to get a big buff, but a good one requires a big wall. OK, I guess I could find a big enough wall. And Africa is supposed to be a relative bargain.

Alaska/Western Canada - moose and caribou. Same deal on the horns, but these hunts are pricey. Have the money, but are they worth it?

Yellowstone region - elk, moose, mulies. I used to live there, and I have killed elk and deer. Idaho has been pushing their moose tags recently, though their subspecies is not as big as Alaska's. Since I have plenty of time, I could drive out and haul meat home. One place I never got into when I was there is the central Idaho wilderness area. Probably the wildest place in the lower 48.

You can see where I'm leaning, but there might be two hunts left. What would be your choice, or do you have an addition to the list?
If I could afford it I'd like to hunt Alaska. But I'm also enough of a realist to know it's probably never going to happen. My wife and I will get there one day, but I don't see a hunting trip.

I wouldn't have to hunt anything exotic, deer or caribou would suit me just fine. I'd just like to experience the place. Africa doesn't appeal to me, but that is a personal thing. I can't afford it, and doubt I'd go if I could.

I've lived in GA my whole life and taking an elk is on my bucket list. I just want one and will probably not go back. I've hunted CO twice and am planning on going back this fall. My 2 previous hunts have been DIY hunts on public land. If I don't score this fall I'll probably start paying for a guide and possible private land after that.
I’d bet that Africa is going to get more restrictive and expensive with time for (legit) hunts.
So if it were me I’d head there sooner than later.
If I wanted to pay for a moose hunt without going broke (I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination), I would look for a Newfoundland moose hunt. The moose there are not nearly as big as Alaskan moose but the hunter success rate is very good and the price is much more affordable.
with this virus stopping most hunting, i would go to africa, i have hunted their six times and have taken over 60 animals-14 species from buffalo to dikker. my last trip was a year ago in may(11 days), if you start planning now and contact different outfitters i think you will be able to get a very good package because when they open up(2021) they will be hungry for customers and offer decent prices.
On my bucket list is caribou in Alaska. A close second would be red stag in South America. Less money than New Zealand, at least last time I compared. But that was long ago. When I retire.....

Look up red stag if you're not already familiar. Similar to elk for size and antler shape. They roar during the rut. Kind of a growling elk bugle. Beautiful animals. Might be able to double up the experience and do some bird hunting while you're there. Several species that are not around here.
Ah, so many hunts, so little time (not to mention money). But I'm going to target Africa and cape buffalo. Sent notes to several PH outfits, so we will see what develops. Thanks for the input, and I hope you all get to go on your dream hunt.
A moose in Canada is $10K, Alaska is $12K, but a 10-day, 10 animal hunt in Africa is only about $5k plus $2K of airfare. I don't know, I'm in the same situation. I was invited to Africa for a hunt in April but COVID got in the way. I have been invited to Alaska for fishing and moose hunt, we'll see if that happens. It's a tough choice. Both are on my bucket list, but I am getting old enough I may have to choose one or the other.
Trophy fee on m'gobo is $11k, but they have some "on sale". Other plains game animals are much less. You're right about the basic safari cost, a bargain.
Odd but true:

You can hunt brown bear in Russia (Siberia)cheaper then you can in Alaska.

I spent 22 years in Alaska (72-94). Thats the last place Id go on a guided hunt. May go up there to hunt with a friend, black bear, etc but nothing that requires a guide.

Alaska isnt what it use to be. Found out everything I went to Alaska for was better in Wyoming. Got a battle buddy (brother) that owns a lodge about 60 Miles from delta junction. Hes the only one that keeps me going back.
I've had the opportunity in the past, and if it wasn't for the time factor not working out through the back years, I've always wanted/dreamed to hunt a caribou with my .58 cal., ball shooting, J. Henry trade rifle up in AK. I've got the time now, and the money would work out, and still, maybe the opportunity is still there with my friends up there. Otherwise, if a caribou hunt remains a pipe dream, I've always been quite content hunting elk in the Big Horn Mts. Most surely won't do any of it any younger, either...
Friends, I booked a plains game hunt for 2021 in Namibia. I'll get to the buffalo eventually, but I have 4 species on the menu for half the price of one buffalo. And you can choose to shoot more, just pay the trophy fee. Why'd I wait so long!