Preacherman, first, let me say how pleased I am that we can discuss our opinions as men rather than, as I so often see, as insecure little boys.
As for energy, I don't suggest, for one second, that, in comparable loads, a semi can generate as much energy as a revo. As you know, and I'll state in case some trolls don't, any semi will "soak up" some of the energy produced by the fired cartridge. Having said that, and back to my original point, I'm a far better shot with a semi, AND, my "weaker" loads (again, if I were a regular dangerous-game hunter, I'd be packin' a DE in .357, .44, or .50 as appropriate so, depending upon the situation, the energy out of a DE won't be so much less than your .44 revo) will find their target far more frequently than from a revo. I, personally, believe that 10-11 10mm Cor-bon penetrator rounds hitting the target will be far more effective than 0-1 .44mag or 0 .454 rounds hitting the target ... AND, that's very likely how I'd shoot. This is most likely due to my USPSA experience with my G34. I don't have a G20 yet (backordered), but, I did get aquainted with a rental for 100 rounds and I shot it nearly as well as my G34, AND, I intend to get a 3.5 lbs connector for it so I expect, aside from slower follow-ups, very similar results. I do own an Anaconda and a 629 (as well as a 686) ... both fine guns to be sure and they'll either go to my grave with me or to my children. But, the sad truth is, I'm nowhere near as accurate, or fast, for that matter, with them as I am with a semi. I have shot a DE .50 and, while I, currently, have no need for such a gun, it was quite manageable, and reliable, and I would not hesitate to buy one for the purpose I've already indicated.
I guess I should have clarified a bit. I WAS suggesting that a semi might be a better gun for this situation due to higher capacity. Given that capacity is, or is nearly, the same, whichever you shoot better is fine (despite our differences of opinion on reliability). I believed one of your points supported this argument as I believe that you agree that "as many heavy loads in as short of time as possible" is a good thing, AND, even 7 is better than 6. You mentioned that capacity may not be a "real world" issue. However, if they made a nice double-bbl handgun in .44 or .454, would you rather have that or your revo? Maybe you'd rather have the dbl-bbl, I don't know (I wouldn't mind having one for kicks
). But, I'm sure, given this situation, and given that we agree that one should be prepared to fire multiple shots to "breakdown the animal", I would expect many to take 6 over 2. So, despite the fact that, in any given situation, you may only get a chance to use 1, 2, 6, or whatever, I'd rather have as many as is reasonable to carry. I would also expect, again, I'm NOT a dangerous-game hunter (yet
), that each time you hit the animal, you may slow him down just a bit, AND, that by continually firing, you may slow him down so much that he's eventually crawling toward you. Regardless, I'd still want the higher capacity, and, for me, more rapid-fire, of a semi so misses won't be so devastating.
If something dangerous is charging at you from close range, you have only a few seconds - sometimes less than that - to hit it, and hit it hard enough to make it stop its attack.
Again, speed of multiple accurate shots being my main concern, I'd take the G20 every time (unless I bought a DE for this purpose). The fact of the matter is, if I thought I could be in danger, I could practice with my Anaconda or 629, but, if I thought that were necessary, I either wouldn't go or I'd buy a DE ... just that simple.
As for "muzzle-contact", I had never thought of that. I suppose it's something worth considering. For me, my accuracy and speed with a semi still outweighs. If I were to use a revo to cover that situation, I'd probably be far more likely to encounter that situation.
As to the popularity of revos for hunting. I won't try to suggest that semi's are, across-the-board, better hunting handguns. Again, whatever you shoot the best, you should use. Most of those people, I expect, don't use those handguns to hunt dangerous game. I'd guess 90%+ for whitetail/black bear and 10% for anything else. That's not to say that, given the opportunity, that they wouldn't use their revos for dangerous-game, just to say that, in most cases, it wasn't a consideration. And, therefore, capacity, AND, likely, accuracy and speed, are not as much of an issue. Personally, aside from the folks who are just dead-set on revo's and think semi's are the devils-work, I would expect that if DE's went for about $500, you'd see a lot more people buying 'em and using 'em for hunting. However, still not nearly as many as revo's for one simple reason ... most people are not "into guns" anywhere near enough to consider that the myth that revo's are inherently more reliable than semi's is actually backwards. AND, I used to be the same way. It wasn't until I had a debate with some other guy online until I really started to think about it and realized my mistake. Frankly, if you're only into hunting guns and you want to get a handgun, which would you buy, a $500-$600 SRH or SBH or a $1200 - $1500 DE (that, likely, most of your buddies write-off as Hollywood BS)? Hell, I'd probably buy the revo ... if anything, just to avoid the sh!t I'd get from my buddies. While there are other semi's worth considering, they're prices aren't much better and they certainly don't have anywhere near the popularity. And, as you've mentioned, a 10mm doesn't quite stack up for dangerous game. However, I expect more and more people to buy these for whitetail and such ... there must be a reason they're backordered.
You had mentioned that the dirt shows up better on your revo so you remember to clean it. I would suggest that you may not have time to clean it from the time it gets dirty to the time you need it. I don't know how you're getting so much dirt in your semi's. But, if I had to take my 629 and one of my semi's and put them both in sand and trash 'em around, I'd put far more trust in the semi than the revo. AND, that's basically, the military's perspective as well. As you said, this is a hotly debated topic (depending on the board you're on). I won't say that I'm right and you're wrong. I will say that I once held a very strong, what I thought was common-sense, belief that revo's were inherently more reliable than semi's, and, I believe the opposite to be true now. I came across another guy who, I thought, put it quite well ... "revo's take neglect better than semi's, however, semi's take abuse better than revo's" ... meaning, if you don't clean and lube your semi, you'll likely have problems, however, if you drag a revo and a semi through the mud, the semi will be more reliable.
I think, when it comes right down to it, I am far more comfortable with a semi than a revo and as long as I can get a semi which I think offers "enough" power, I'll take that every time (unless it's a sh!tty gun). And, unless someone like you (I don't mean that in a bad way at all) presents me with a "show-stopper", I'm not likely to change my mind. I've shot both, and I prefer the semi's across-the-board. Even my favorite rifle is my BAR and I own 2 bolts and 2 levers.
I also think that, when it comes right down to it, you're far more comfortable with a revo, at least for dangerous game, than a semi. And, unless someone like me presents you with a "show-stopper", you're not likely to change your mind.
The bottom line is, if two guys go into the brush after identical cats with identical temperment, one with a semi, and one with a revo, and each shoots his gun very well, then both will likely fare well. Aside from the reliability issue, I would only suggest that if the revo were a .357 6-shot and the semi were a G20, that the guy with the semi would have better odds due simply to capacity. If the .357 were an 8-shot, I'd say the odds get much closer. If anyone feels that they wouldn't need the "extra" rounds, then they're free to make that choice. Put another way, if I could shoot a revo so much better than a semi that I'd likely get 6 hits with the revo vs. 1, 2, even 3 or 4 hits with a semi, I'd definately take the revo.
Take care.