Which guns have most often been used in REAL civilian CCW incidents?

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New member
Does anyone have any info on this? I am just curious. Most of us go through life and probably will never have to use a CCW in a real situation. But, of those of us who do, or who have had to resort to a handgun in a civilian concealed carry application, what handgun was used?

My guess is a j-frame revolver...

I've never read anything that would tend to indicate a serious attempt to capture that information. It may well exist, I've just never seen it.

Based on what I've read over the years, conversations I've been privy to and information read concerning sales figures, I'd have to agree with your hunch. J frame S&Ws and the smaller Colts (D frames??) like the Cobra, Agent and Dick Special would all get my vote...all in .38 Special.

I also think .25s, .32s, and .380s of various makes would be somewhere in the top five. I just think there are a lot more people who have used weapons for self defense in a CCW situation or at home/at their business who ARE NOT gun enthusiasts than who are.

Just my hunch as well...could be totally off.

I personally feel9and have no real data to back this up) that Mike is right. Most CCDW events happen to people who are not gun nuts. I feel this is most likely because most who make it a point to carry everyday give off the non-verbal signals that crooks tend to shy away from. Signals like confidence and alert to the situation at hand. Thus by having a means for defence you can prevent the confrontation from ever taking place.

Just my $.02 worth (if that :) )

I think that all kinds of firearms are involved. Probably a lot of cheap, low caliber guns as I feel most who use them are not gun-nuts, and due to the facts that most of the time a shot is never fired.

My guess would be the .380acp's for autos & .38specials in wheel guns probably lead the pack...
...other contenders would be .22s, .25s, &.32s.

Odd how none of these rounds is considered really good calibers by "IN THE KNOW" shooters...

I would say go to a good library and look up stats. The FBI seems to always have studies published on these types of issues...

If your close to a University with a Criminal Justice program I am sure you could find what you are looking for. When I was in school, got a B.A. in C.J., I came across loads of info published under studies by the FBI.

Stats. are the FEDs business along with assaulting AMERICANs without cause in a military manner (ala WACO & RUBY RIDGE).

If it is worth your time take a look...

Maybe the WWW can be of assitance???
Real gunfighters,who pack 1911`s seldom get into civ. gunfights because of their tactical awareness.It`s the amateurs that stop the crimes.
I'd probably put my money on what James said.
I feel these are probably the cals. used most often in self-defence. Now if we were talking drive-by's that's be another story...JMO, YMMV, FWIW!!!

Hello. The only thing I can add "for sure" is that the first shooting in Texas (fatality for the bad guy) was a Beretta 96 using 180 gr JHPs, though I don't know which brand. Best.
Incidents I heard of with friends or friends' family involved about an equal mix of .38 snubbies, generally J-frames, and 1911-style .45s, incl. Ballister Mollinas. Outcomes tended to be non-lethal but sufficient for snubbies, 50%+ lethal for 1911s. I suspect the disparity also arised from training differences. I would guess snubbies and small (.380 or less) autoloaders would be more common in the world at large.

Notice, BTW, that the Russkie army/police/paramils went to a .25 PSM (25acp or necked-down 9mmMakarov?) on the assumption that no handgun is enough, but one that isn't there when needed is even more so...
I had an incident where a man came after me with a baseball bat and I took out my legally carried glock(23) and thank GOD he backed up real fast and left. I put mine up and continued with my business.I didn't report it to the police.I didn't see any need to.
The American Firearms Industry [http://www.amfire.com/] had a bunch of stats at their sites on what calibers sell, I believe there may also be some stats on guns used in crimes, maybe self defense. GOA fact sheet [http://www.gunowners.org/fs9901.htm] and site may also have some useful figures.

If youse guys are correct, the small, inexpensive (relatively speaking)guns in minor calibers would appear to a)save a lot of bacon, and b), have a undeserved bad reputation (atleast among the unknowing gun bigots), eh? Stay safe, M2
My father-inlaw backed down 4 guys with baseball bats, about 30 years ago, that ran him and a car load of kids off the road. He used a berretta .380 of WW2 vintage.
Once they saw the gun, they RAN back to their car and left.
He never left home with out a pistol.
He told me once that the only person who will protect you is yourself.
He's right...
"He told me once that the only person who will protect you is yourself."

No one will need to protect themselves once all of the evil guns (handguns, long guns, any and all guns) are gone, right? Everyone will become tame, caring, and docile. At least that's the implicit message in the gun banners' rhetoric. How would a gun banner handle the four-men-with-baseball-bats situation? With more rhetoric?

There is a time and a place for almost everything, and each situation needs to be evaluated in the context in which it occurs. When facing one or multiple attackers intent on doing you harm (or giving every indication of doing so), and leaving you no choice but to defend yourself, you have a duty to protect your person. Luckily, we live in an age when we can protect ourselves with the most efficient and practical means available, a firearm. A few hundred years ago this was not the case, and the average shmuck was at the mercy of brigands.

BTW, it seems that many of the self-defense stories I've read, and this is by no means a
scientific study, involve a fair number of so-called "mouse" guns--.22, .25, etc. Perhaps people who don't fire on a regular basis are more comfortable with these calibers.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Speaking of backing people off, I am getting CT laser grips for my Sig P228. If someone is threatening, all you have to do is hit them with the laser. Most people will turn tail and run if they see that red spot on their chest.
Most people will turn tail and run if they see that red spot on their chest.

Most people do not look at their chests, especially when trying to beat the crap out of someone else.
I doneno. But I doonno that if I ever have to use a gun for defense outside of my employment, that gun will be a K or J Frame S&W in .38 spl.
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