I'm in the minority here, but I feel that extra color in the Hogue grips would make a nice contrast. The ones you list from S&W looks like they'd "blend" with the gun, particularly if the gun goes into a black holster.
Incidentally, regarding Eagle Grips, there's one poor fellow over at Glocktalk.com who shows a picture of a set of eagle grips made for his model S&W. The grips were not properly inletted and did not fit the gun. Complaints to eagle resulted in "inlet them yourself." A rather obnoxious reply if I do say so myself. The thread in in the Wheelhouse entitled "Got Wood?" if you want to look it over. Some nice looking grips. I have a set of secret service grips (these are several years old) on my 640. The checkering on these grips is pretty unimpressive. They look great until you look at them closely. Lots of overruns. Looks like the borders were cut before the checkering was done. There grips are expensive, and I'd expect better. I hung on to them b/c I was carrying the gun and, at that time, function was more important that having every little thing right. I bought them b/c I wanted Spegel boot grips, but couldn't find his shops contact information and the secret servcie grips looked to be a very nice alternative (at least from Eagle's pictures).