Which grip style do you like best?


New member

All NEW K frame Smith revolvers come with a round butt frame. Some of the older K frames have square butts, similar to SgtGunner's 66-2.

Hogue makes a conversion grip, shown in the left side photo that makes it look like a square frame butt.

Which do you prefer and why?
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I have Hogue square butt conversion grips on all of my 4" barrel S&W's, but my two 3" K-frames have round butt Hogues on them.

They just feel better for me in these configurations.
Rather have a round butt grip on a K-frame. Feels like it handles better on a lighter frame. Like the square butt in N-frames like my 629 DX for recoil control.
prefer the round butt for it's handling qualities

fits better in my hand, fills the pocket
easier to conceal, doesn't poke out as much

i think it looks better on the smith too, i like the square butt on colts
Carry, action pistol shooting, plinkin' and other things requiring fast handling and pointability: Round butt.

Target shooting, and other things requiring stability of grip: Square butt.

That's the way it works out for me, at least.
All K frame Smith revolvers come with a round butt frame

hmmmm........ interesting....my 4 inch stainless model 66-2, certainly looks like a square butt to me????

who knows!
SgtGunner.....you got me...sorry! I ment to say the NEW K frames...hey, wait a minute...I did say that...I think you need to reread the post:D

Any heavy &/or L O N G brrld. Smiths need the extended graspe offered by the square butt( I guess we're talkin' N frames here ).The lighter weights, Mountains and 3 inchers, do just fine with the round butts but on the BIG guns all that weight needs to be leveraged out ....dewey
The best for me...

Round butt. J, K, L, or N.

Behind the trigger guard filled in.

For JKL series, I like the top of the backstrap covered and that little concave part filled in.
No finger grooves. In a rush, they always end up the wrong place.

Wood, with either no or "smooth" checkering.