Which Glock to buy for fist time GSSF?


New member
Hi All,

Hoping for some ideas from those experienced at GSSF. What would you do if you could do it over again? If you could buy your first GSSF Glock what would it be? Here is my situation:

I just joined GSSF and have a discount ticket so I was thinking of buying a gun specifically for GSSF competition. I've never shot competitively except the Army.

I have owned a G22 and G19 and still own a G26.

The choice for me is probably either a 9 mm or 45. (trying to standardize on these two cartridges)

The Glocks I am looking at specifically are the;

  • G19. Owned one and loved it! Great shooting little gun and shoots the less expensive 9mm
  • G30 I have read you can enter more GSSF competitions with this than any other Glock. Is there an edge there? Its 45 which I shoot well and could double as CC
  • G34 Made specifically for competion and has a light trigger but would be of no other use except competition and practice
  • Use the G26 I have. I have very big hands. I can still shoot the 26 pretty good but their may be a better shooter for me

I am looking for a competative edge even before I begin. What do you suggsest? Any thoughts on sight choices? (I actually like the standard Glock sights - they are good for my over 40 eyes - Maybe these in adjustable?)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and ideas for a newbie at GFFS.
Of the choices you list, the Glock 34 in 9mm.

Longer sight radius than your other choices. I wouldn't use a .45 for GSSF. Too much muzzle flip, grip dimensions not as comfortable even with the SF change.

I use a G23C, the longest slide pistol made by Glock. Specifically built for competition. I'd rather have a G19L, but I saw the G23C .40 caliber gun first.

The Glock Match is basically NRA bullseye timed fire at different distances while being allowed to use both hands to hold the pistol.

Therefore, sights most similar to those used by NRA bullseye shooters will give you the greatest advantage. Forget tritium inserts, fiber optics, and other folderol and gimcrackery.

Your rear sight should be a completely click adjustable windage/elevation unit. Fine clicks, not the four clicks you get with the Glock adjustable.

IMO, your front sight should be narrow and flat black. No inserts or glowing doo-dads. If such things were conducive to accurate target shooting, which is what GSSF matches are about, you'd see them at the National Matches at Perry on the pistol firing line. You don't. They use flat black, nice and narrow.


Like right there. The Ameriglo "serrated front sights, thin". Mine wears one of those. Properly lined up, the tall front sight leaves just a bit of daylight between the left and right edges of your target rear sight. Your eye will more easily "center" the front sight in the rear notch if there is daylight on both sides. Your eye will naturally try to do this without you consciously trying to do it. The narrow sight will allow you to be more "specific" about where on the target you would like to hit.

The website also has a calculator so you can get the proper height to correspond with your target rear sight's height.

It has been awhile since I bought mine and I cannot remember who made my rear sight. It is very much like a "bomar" adjustable rear. In fact, it is very much like THIS:



Long story short (too late), just go ahead and buy that rear sight and the proper height .090 wide serrated black front sight from Ameriglo to match it.

That is the sight combination you want.

And I disagree the G34 "would be of no other use" than for competition. It has a more friendly trigger pull, but it is not an unsafe gun to use for defense because of that. The trigger isn't that much lighter. At least I wouldn't feel unsafe with a 3.5 lb trigger connector.

Nor does it's size limit it's use. The Glock 34 and 35 were designed to have as long a barrel and slide as possible yet still fit into the sizing box many action pistol events use to mandate pistol dimension limits. In other words, the barrel is no longer than you'll find on a M1911 pistol.

I can't remember if it was the Guatemalan or Ecuadoran or similar country, but one of those country's special forces used the Glock 19L as it's duty/issue/counter-terrorism pistol. They preferred the longer barrel for a fight pistol. The longer sight radius and the slightly better muzzle velocity. The G34 is only slightly shorter in length, I think by an inch, than the G19L.
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Fantastic reply

Thanks very much for taking the time for that great reply.

Makes sense to avoid the 45 due to flip and the long slide makes sense. However, on the GSSF member price list, the "19L" is not a listed option. I have heard of combining a 19 frame with 34 barrell and slide. Could that be it?

In any case, if the 19L is not an option, would you go with a 19? Having had a 22 I do not particularly like the feel of the full sized Glock and assume a 17 would have the same feel as a 22.

As for sights, thanks for the very specific recommendations.
Oops, I made a mistake.

The longest slide Glock available is the G17L, not the G19L...which does not exist.

I think the G17L and the G23/G23C are still made only in limited numbers. I bought my G23C used...and paid about $600 for it. The extreme long slide Glocks like that just seem more "pointable" to me.

For competition's sake, I would say a G19 has a slight disadvantage compared to the full-sized G17. Just as the G17 would not be as advantageous as the yet still longer slide model G34.

Again, that longer sight radius thing. And I just prefer a full length grip myself. When I'm launching rounds at the 75 foot target, I want all the advantages of sight radius and grip surface area I can get.

If you have access to the match results of various Glock GSSF competitions, you'll easily start to see a pattern. The match winners are likely all using full-sized and compeitition length slides. Most likely, the top 10 shooters in each match will be doing so.
And one more thing before I go home and stop leeching off of work's free internet.

Learn the "Glock Trigger Reset" trick.

I didn't do it my first match because I didn't know what it was.

Here it is.

Your first trigger pull will have you taking up all the slack on the creepy factory trigger until you meet the resistance just before the pistol fires.

Okay, now the gun has fired and like a good target shooter, you still have the trigger pulled all the way to the rear because you know the importance of "follow through". What do you do now?

Well, you could let that trigger run all the way forward again and start that process all over again.


You can slowly let the trigger come forward only until you hear and feel the "click" of the trigger resetting for the next shot. Stop right there, go no further. You are already set up for the next shot without having to take up all that slack/creep of a complete trigger pull. Practice a bit with this technique first so you don't unintentionally "double tap" during competition.
Get a copy of the GSSF rules...

... it will help in your decision.

For instance, the G34 is a nice gun, but I'm pretty sure it's not allowed at the amateur levels.

For amateur, I'd go with a G17. GSSF doesn't give major caliber bonuses, it's all about time, so whatever you can get back on target fastest is your best bet. For most, that would be a full-size 9mm.

There are different divisions in GSSF based on your model, and any aftermarket things you may have done to it, so you really will want to check the division rules. You can find those on the GSSF website; it's easier to print them, or to get a copy of the rule booklet; at least, I find it painful to scroll through fine print online.

Good luck.
Lets start with the G34 (9mm)/G35(.40) is the nicest competition/ tactical glock you can get, it functions well in both competition and in combat situations I carried 1911 forever, I still do, but I do have a G34 that will be a comp gun, but with removable parts so I can carry it. In IPSC to shoot major you need a .40 for minor the 9mm is fine, don't know what the rules for GFFS. The barrel lengths on the G34 and G35 are 5.32 inches and sight radius is 7.56 inches, the next best thing for both comp and carry while a bit more carry friendly than the 34, alot of my guys use it in production class of IPSC since the G34/G35 exceed the max barrel length by .32 inches. the G17 is what glock considers the fullsize gun. The barrel is 4.49 inches long and the sight radius is 6.49 inches, I had a G17 for years and sold it, bad idea. The g19 is a great carry gun since its the compact version and you get almost full grip, then you have the g26 in Sub-compact.

Citizen carry, the "c" in glock stands for compensated, the G23 and G23c are smaller than the G22 which is there full size .40. The G23 is actually the same size as a G19. The longest guns glock makes is the G17L and the G24 which carry 6.02 inch barrels. So it goes like this: Fullsize 9mm/.40: G17/G22 Compact 9mm/.40: G19/G23 Sub-compact 9mm/.40: G26/G27, Tactical/Practical (competition) 9mm/.40: G34/G35, Longslide 9mm/.40: G17L/G24 and if you want compensated just add C to the model number. Now the G26/27/34/35/17L/24 did not come compensated.
Amateur Civilian category doesn't allow the G17L or the G34/G35 pistols or any of the "C" model Glocks.

You can shoot them in the Competition category or any of the Master categories.

Ok, assuming you want to stick with 9mm due to ammunition costs...If you get a standard 17 or 19 you can shoot it in any of the categories you qualify for other than the subcompact categories and your 26 will let you shoot in one of those.

So you'll be able to use those two guns in 5 categories--$125 worth of entry fees per match. The only one you won't be able to shoot in is the MajorSub category.
Citizen carry, the "c" in glock stands for compensated, the G23 and G23c are smaller than the G22 which is there full size .40. The G23 is actually the same size as a G19. The longest guns glock makes is the G17L and the G24 which carry 6.02 inch barrels. So it goes like this: Fullsize 9mm/.40: G17/G22 Compact 9mm/.40: G19/G23 Sub-compact 9mm/.40: G26/G27, Tactical/Practical (competition) 9mm/.40: G34/G35, Longslide 9mm/.40: G17L/G24 and if you want compensated just add C to the model number. Now the G26/27/34/35/17L/24 did not come compensated.

I stand corrected. I've been mis-identifying my G24C for awhile, I guess. Unfortunately, I haven't fired a GSSF match for about two years now due to a Kuwait deployment and just not enough time since being back.
Quite a nice group of folks... These GSSF commentors

Thanks for all your words of wisdom.
Based on what I've read here, it seems like the logical thing to do is to buy a G-17 as I am definetly "amature." However...

I owned a G-22 full size .40 and did not like it too well. I did not like the trigger and it did not shoot where I aimed it.

Of course that was a while back when I was just getting reaquainted with regular shooting after a long hiatus. Although I fixed the trigger I never bothered with the sights. Adjustables, as Citizen Carry recommends, would be the answer.

Seems no one liked the idea of a G-30 for GSSF. That's Ok since I already have a Sig and Colt in that caliber.

Here's my G-26. A "short" note on that: I sought a small carry gun, first with an American Arms .22 mag pocket revolver then with a tiny .380 and then an almost equally tiny 9mm. None were fun to shot and what they had in concealability they lacked in shootability.

After an internet study of weights, sizes and reports, I got the G-26 for under $500 at a sporting goods store. It is the first small pistol I have fired that shot like a full sized so it was love at first shoot.



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If you don't want to buy a new gun, you can shoot your G26 in all the categories except MajorSub.

Shooting a G17 or G19 will make you more competitive, the longer sight radius and full-sized grip will make the gun a bit more shootable. If you're just there to have fun then you've already got what you need.
Just handled a G17

For the first time I handled a G17 at a range today. Man did I like the feel. The full size grip (as someone previously mentioned) is great for me with my big ole hands. The balance was impressive. What's not to like for $398?

Add some sights for another 100 or less and you are still under 5 for what appears to be a very competative pistol.

Y'all done steered me the rat dierection (as we say here in TX). Thanks!:)
Got the G-17 using the GSSF discount coupon

Hi all,

When I joined GSSF ($35) they mailed me a request from for a Glock discount coupon. After sending it in I received my discount coupon in the mail only a couple weeks at most after I applied for it.

Within a few days I was at Chealer than Dirt (the only LE outlet I could find around DFW). Although the coupon said a G-17 would be $398, CTD charged $419 but they added an extra full cap mag to make up for the $21 difference, which was fine by me.

Yesterday I went to the Bass Pro range and tried it out with three mags of range ammo at 115, 124 and 147 grain, plus a few JHPs and +Ps. I was very pleased with the results. I shot from 21 feet and 45 feet a series of 5 shots at each 3" Shoot-N-C target using the three different types of ammo. While the results varied they were not so substantial that I could not attribute it to chance as I was shooting two handed w/o a rest. That said, the 147 grain Fiocchis seemed to group a little tighter when comparting the targets.

One great trick I learned on this site was to release the Glock trigger only until it "clicks" after the first shot and fire from there on each succeeding shot. This had an excellent effect and made the trigger more controlable and seemingly lighter and more manageable.

Well, just wanted to let you know that your help paid off and perhaps I can be of benefit to someone in the future.



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Congratulations on your new gun and on some pretty nice shooting!

Sounds like I might see you at the Carrollton GSSF match next spring...
Carlton Match


That would be great. Would give me some time to practice. On that note, one of the things I was thinking of was to go to a nearby outdoor range and set up some simulations of GSSF shooting - like plates and targets at correct ranges and arrangements, at least as much as possible.

They do have that rule about two seconds between shots but that is ok and probably a good thing as it forces you to slow down and aim.

Do you have any routines or suggestions for practicing for GSSF matches?
The key is learning how fast you can shoot at various ranges without sacrificing too much accuracy and then learning to shoot within those limitations.

Given the restrictions common to most ranges, I think the best way to practice would be to put up targets at varying distances and practice shooting them until you find a shooting cadence that works for you at each range.

You can practice acquiring different targets with dryfire practice since recoil management is not a huge part of that process.

You may want to look around for a range that has a little more leeway in terms of shooting speed since a shot every 2 seconds will not let you practice recoil control to the extent that you want to. There are a few ranges in the general area that will let you shoot as fast as you want to. As far as I know, the Dallas Pistol Club (where the Carrollton GSSF match is held) has no restrictions on rapid fire.

If you plan to shoot several categories in a GSSF match, don't shoot the one you care about most first. You can learn a lot about whether you need to shoot faster or slower by shooting a category or two and making adjustments based on whether you're missing a lot or getting times that are too slow.