Which Factory Ammo is too hot for a Swedish Mauser?


New member
Question: is PMC factory target ammo, 144 grain spitzer rated at 2650fps too hot for this rifle? I saw a post on a website (data several years old I believe) that said there was a hot load from PMC that would damage a surplus Mauser... Factory loads from Remington and Federal appear to be in the range of 2550-2600 fps for 139 grain loads.
Well considering that all american ammo for the Swede is loaded below European [and I believe original] pressures just like american 9mm is weak loaded I wouldn't worry about it.

I haven't had a chance to check but I suspect the military surplus 6.5 stuff is hotter than american factory stuff.

Hornandy USED to list a light magnum load for the the 6.5x55 that had an "E" designation for european pressure.

Federal classic works fine in my M38.
The only stuff I have *heard* of any problems with overpressure is PMC.
I have some of it, and have shot it before hearing secondhand about the problems. FWIW, it seemed to function fine in my M38.
I quit using it after hearing about the problems. I am still trying to track down the rumor and get some firsthand data. Better safe than sorry.
In the meantime, I am shooting handloads, milsurp and domestic factory stuff.