Which do you use?


New member
Which site image do you use when shooting at the range with your pistol if it has a 3 dot system? I have always shot site image #3, but I have recently read in another forum that site image #2 is preferred, because image #3 partially obstructs your target. What's your opinion?


  • sightimages_zpsa89665a4.jpg
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I use #2, until I take them off. Still with a flat black rear and a Tritium, black blade or fiber optic front, I still use sight image #2.
For handgun hunting/target work I like #2, for defensive work #1 as I can see the important parts right above the sights.
I'm guessing you are practicing for defensive handgun purposes?
Where the bullet lands, relative to the sights, is dependent on the range. Sight image 3 works for close ranges because the bore is lower than the sights and at close ranges the bullet will impact below the top of the front sight.

At medium ranges, the bullet will rise to the level of the sights because the bore is angled slightly upward with respect to the sights. Sight image 2 works at those ranges.

At longer ranges, depending on how the gun is sighted, you'll likely have to switch to sight image 1 to make accurate hits.

Here's a more thorough discussion of the topic.

Yes jeager, my practice is for defensive purposes. Short to medium distances.

In that case "range" is irrelevant which is why I use #1 for defensive work.
#1 is also called the 6 o'clock hold.
Range (distance) in a self defense scereo is going to be very close, most likely under 7 yards. In police work we practiced all the way back to 50 yards which is really rifle distance but a cool headed marksman can make a 50 yard shot with
Indeed I practiced from the prone at 100 yds with my duty 45-06 scoring
K5 hits with all 8 rounds often.
Bear in mind I was also the deadly force training officer so practiced a bunch with ammo I didn't have to pay for.:rolleyes:
It depends what gun I am shooting and what kind of shooting I am doing.

My carry guns, Glock 23 and 26, I use the #2 sight picture.

With my P226 I use the #1 image because it shoots very high.

Sometimes I like to try shooting my 1911 at long range and use the #3 image
I prefer #2, also, but sometimes there's no choice.
Wherever the gun decides.
I had one that required the front sight to be lined up down inside the rear, about half way in order to hit dead center.
Fixed sights with oddball ammo.
Kind of weird, but sooo accurate.
I use #2, for any iron sighted firearm. Actually I didn't know until I read this that people did it other ways. One more reason to love TFL, I think I learn something new every time I log in.
I use 1 or 2, 3 totally hides small targets. I had never seen #3 until recently, can't believe anyone would use it.
It is never a good idea to cover the target with the sights !! I use a two inch bullseye setting on top of the front sight for sighting in , for rifle or pistol.
Used to do #1; then evolved to #2; and now, my IDPA revolver is even set at #3. I guess it's a bit like Jim243 in post #10.