Which country is the freest?


New member
This includes speech, religion, economics, association, politics, and whatever other freedoms you can think of.
Dave D,

Wonderful reply! :) Not more than 10 minutes ago I was trying to get the point across to my wife that our Second Amendment concerns are just the tip of the iceberg... that any government which starts taking our 2A freedoms will start taking all our other freedoms as well. "Gophers in the garden of freedom." Love it, thanks.

The moon is the freest country. I have declared ownership of it, and myself president. There are no laws there other than a law requiring you can only go the bathroom in the vacuum toilets.


The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me
As near as I can tell from reading, it's still the U.S. In large part, I'm assuming freedom for the common folks, not just "los ricos". Overall, we're not bothered nearly so much as in most other countries, for hunting, fishing, shooting...And, outside of the really large cities and the PRKalif, to do business.

It is, however, definitely time to set out gopher traps.

Somalia. Huh?!! Yep, it probably won't last, but right now they have a form of gov't called a kritarchy, which provides for complete local control of all matters - no central gov't, no "federal" taxes, etc. Now, having said that, I still think USA is the best country to live in, but that wasn't the question... :D

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed
Dont know much about Israel but the guvmint lets you carry around select fire weapons in public, at least in that respect way more freedom than we enjoy here.
Israel limits your total number of guns, and charges you if they get stolen.

They're still deeply into "guns as privilege", but they hand the privilege out fairly readily. They also have a lot of really strange theology-based laws...overall, I'd say the US wins out over Israel, although we can learn from their defense experiences.

Well, let's see, our Government dictates to us: Automobile safety, gun design, toilet capacity, water heater efficency, office furniture design, Education standards (or lack there of), what you may or may not do with what you rightfully own (real-estate ect..), how you must build your house, barn, sheds, and even chicken housing.
Oh, and it also regulates:
Airlines, buslines, trucking and general transportation, railroads, power companies, what lifesaving medications your doctor cannot prescribe (lest he break government established taboos), bee hive design, and a gazillion other things. As a matter of fact, you'd be hard pressed to tell me something that your friendly Federal government doesn't regulate or control, and force you to pay for at the point of a gun. Don't say sex, because there are laws regulating what two consenting adults may or may not do with each other. Some state Government even has a misdemeanor charge of "providing implements of masturbation".
We believe we are freer than other countries, but really, we just tailor our wants within our Federal Governments restrictions, therefore claiming that since I don't have use of this or that freedom, that that freedom doesn't matter. I've got news for you, it does matter to somebody, and to me this is the heart of RKBA's. Just because I don't personally see a need for a machinegun, and that there are very few practical applications for one, doesn't mean that my neighbor can't responsibly own one, and therefore I refuse to turn in somebody who is not harming me. There are millions though who will call the police for owning legal weapons (I've had a police complaint for the mere possesion of a post-ban AR 15, seems somebody said it was a "machine-gun"). If my neighbor is smoking pot to aid in his Cancer treatment I hardly see how it becomes my business. Does anybody in Government remember the 10th amendment anymore?
The Constitution of the United States was intended to secure our safety and liberty for as long as we held it inviolate, and sacred. We as a nation nolonger hold that document in the esteem that is requisite for our freedom to be secure, therefore, we are not the freest country in the world. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance".
My list of freer countries would include:
1. Somalia (the only nation without a government)
2. Costa Rica: They adopted most of the provisions of our constitution, and even abolished the Army since Armies in Central America are only used to enforce tyranny on the people. They still take pride in voting, and levy fines on those who can but don't bother to vote. They enforce eternal vigilance.
3. Switzerland for obvious reasons.

I have served this nation in uniform (and in combat), and I choose to live here, and spend my remaining days working to insure that my son will go to his grave freer than when he entered this world. In spite of being less free than we ought to be, we are still the "last, best hope of mankind", and so if nothing else, when November 7th rolls around, vote according to which candidate will enable your son or daughter to be freer. Not the one who promises compromise, and a government program that will benefit you. It is the single surest way to bring about change. Your vote only is wasted if you failed to vote your conscience.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!" --- Benjamin Franklin

[This message has been edited by kjm (edited August 27, 2000).]
It's still the United States of America.

Dangus, the pictures I've seen of your moon country fly the same flag as ours! :D
Isreal has no constitution, and no Bill of Rights, and they have political prisioners. Their national gun laws are much stricter than ours (you can only own one handgun/rifle, and you must have a "need" etc.) They do allow carry though, from what I understand.

If you say Switerzerland is more free, please provide examples other than guns. Do they have as much freedom of speech as we do? Do they have an official church? Etc.
It's still the USA, though freedom has been eroding steadily ever since George Washington used Federal troops for tax collection during the Whiskey Rebellion.

Might have to take a look at Switzerland ... and I hear there are a couple of tiny island nations that really don't have much governing going on at all, at least, as long as the chief's beer holds out.