which colt cylinder is this


New member
i am looking at replacing a 1st gen cylinder and i have 2 options. both are different than the first GEN colt . I am being told 1 of them is an original colt but they dont know if its 2nd or 3rd gen. the fluting is a little smaller and the front side doesnt have the cylinder bushing. it has a similar opening but narrows to about the same size as the cylinder pin. seem to work with out the bushing. the other has a bushing its just smaller ID, and would seem to need to use a smaller cylinder pin. the person believes this cylinder is out of a clone Uberti. can some describe the difference in the cylinders for each COLT gen. thanks , these are 45LC
If it is a Colt and does not have a separate cylinder bushing it is a third generation. I have READ that if you put one of those in a first or second generation gun you have to change the hand because the ratchet is different, too. I dunno about putting a Uberti cylinder with a skinny base pin in a first generation Colt. Better to replace or ream the bushing so it would fit.

I'd get it to a knowledgeable gunsmith. Eddie Janis or one of Dave Sample's friends. I am too inept and first generation Colts too valuable for me to DIY.
Thanks , I will try and post a pic , soon.

seem to fit, but very close tolerances, and seemed to ratchet fine, but i was more on fitment at this point. it mic within .02 of the other in total size, and is the same cylinder/chamber size.