Which CLEO???


New member
I've never dealt with anything NFA before, but I'm somewhat interested in getting a suppressor (they're legal in my state). My question is if I live within city limits, would I get a Form 4 signature from the PD Chief, or from the sheriff? :confused:
You can do either. Also your District Attorney, Judges over felony cases, and your state police.

Typically Sheriffs are the CLEO of the county including all municipalities within the county. Your Sheriff will suffice just the same as your local Chief of Police.
Knight0334: Awesome info! I'm good friends with a Fed. judge so I'll ask him if he'd sign off on the form if I decide to get one. Thanks!
ridgerunner, set up a trust and get one then go wave the paperwork in the face of that ant-gun sheriff. Wonder why I don't get along with the sheriff in my county:p.
Here is the list of possible sign-off's. I'm not sure a federal judge may qualify, however they do preside over felony cases.

1. Local Sheriff
2. Local Judge that presides in Felony cases (a JP does not count)
3. Local District Attorney
4. Incorporation. Make a corporation where the owner of the NFA item is the corp, not you, thus no signatures(this does have its drawbacks, but not much)
5. Make a Trust where the trust is the entity that holds the item. See a lawyer on this to have itdone right, skip the $30 programs like Quicken and such, pay someone trained to make this legal document to make it right.
6. Local Police Chief
I have all my nfa items on a trust. No sign offs or fingerprints to deal with. Just mail applications straight to the atf
My Sheriff flat out refused to sign.


If I were you, I would write a polite letter to the sheriff that refused the signature and explain that you can use a trust to own the silencer and obtain ATF approval without his signature. Also explain that if he signs the ATF forms, he will know who owns silencers in his jurisdiction. But if he refuses to sign, the gun owners in his county will use a trust or Corp. to own their silencers and he will have to remain ignorant of who owns them. It is up to him.

You might also ask why he refuses to sign. Ask him if there is a silencer crime problem in the county. When we got a new sheriff in my county in WA, I wrote a nice letter explaining my hobby (I make them) and mailed it in along with three ATF form 1's for his signature and a self addressed stamped envelope. He signed all of the forms and send a note thanking me for jumping through all the hoops.

I use a trust now. Much easier.

The next time, I will use a trust. I am going through my Chief of Police and he is on medical leave for a hip replacement right now. So, the PD is going to bring it to his house to sign. Just what I need: a CLEO who's on pain meds deciding whether or not I can have an SBR.