Which candidate is more pro gun?


New member
I ask the question rhetorically, but consider this:

John Kerry has had photo op, after photo op of him with guns. Bush? nada.
All of this means pretty much nothing to the audience on this board, but what about the average, run of the mill gun owner? All they have is Bush publicly stating he supports the AWB, and Kerry with his "strong supporter of the second amendment" line...

This is effectively chipping away at the NRA support, by giving the "sportsmen for kerry" crowd a false sense of security. I think the Prez needs to get his butt to some ranges, and start blasting clay birds, and holes in paper targets if he wants to secure the 'gunny' vote.

This concerns me because we've seen it happen here in Virginia. Our current governor, and Kerry supporter, Mark Warner campaigned on "no new gun control" and no need for further restrictions (no new taxes also, but that's another rant). It worked. He was able to neutralize the NRA long enough to get fence sitters in the "sportsmen for warner" crowd to vote for him and he won handily. Bush has a lead now, but Gore had a double digit lead at this time in 2000, and we all know what happened then...

Niether of them but Bush is better than Kerry any day....... I feel Kerry's does the shot gun holding and silly anticks for show more than anything, but deep inside he's scared of us gun owners or dislikes us for some reason so he's always going to be a hater.....hopefully I'm right about the bush thing :)
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Bush is about 80% anti-gun. Kerry is around 1000 times more anti-gun. Bare minimum 100% anti-gun. I know, those numbers don't jive, but you get the idea. No informed gun owner in their right mind can vote for John Kerry, who, IINM, has voted for every gun ban to ever come down the pike (that's what my NRA magazine leads me to believe). Him shooting his O/U shotguns in photo ops is pure outright deception.

Vote third party! Or the stumbling bumbler shrub if you're in a swing state. Look up "lesser of two evils" in the dictionary. You'll see the smiling, lying faces of dubya and ketchup man (catsup?).
Neither are pro-gun.

Bush will not author any anti-gun agendas, but will sign them if they reach his desk.

Kerry will not only sign anti-gun agendas, but will actively pursue them.

A vote for Kerry is a vote for losing your guns.
Bush seems more of a "neutral" in my view. Kerry has signed every single piece of anti-gun legislation that has come up. One of the FEW votes he cast this year would have banned .30-30 ammo...

Republicans as a whole are much more pro-gun. For details, see this thread .

Tom Delay is doing a great job of blocking attempts to get the AWB approved. There is a Republican actively helping our cause.