Which 556 SBR


New member
I did a search and expected to find this thread but didn't. You guys got me hooked on the NFA bug so after getting some suppressors this is naturally the next move, right?. What 556 SBR do you recommend. It will be shot suppressed so nothing pinned. I'm really liking the new DD MK-18. Any other recommendations?
I've got a 10.5" LWRC M6A1 that I just love. It never has any problems, and I didn't have to do anything to get it to run short and suppressed.

I have had this guy for a few years, and always meant to register it and cut it off, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. I plan to efile the form 1 soon enough.

And I just picked up this little guy. While it is technically a pistol right now, I'm try to decide if I want to bother with registering it and putting a side-folder on it.

It's a Zastava Krinkov in 5.56 with the AR mag conversion. I have a thread adapter in the mail so I can mount my M4-2000 suppressor.
I may be old fashioned, but nothing is better than the original. I love Colts.

This brings up something that I discovered last week. Noveske is fake full auto. They mark their rifles with a full auto mark, but then they block the shelf (where the Drop in Sear would fit) so that you can't drop in your auto sear. You can get a smith to mill away the block, but it shouldn't be there to begin with, especially, with their tacticool advertising.
Noveske is fake full auto. They mark their rifles with a full auto mark, but then they block the shelf

Must be a change that happened after John died. Used to be, they wouldn't sell a full auto marked lower but they were low shelf...
AR 15 receivers are fundamentally different from M16 receivers, so I don't see the big deal about fake full auto. The M16 auto sear will not work in a low shelf or a high shelf AR 15 without milling out the receiver. You can't just drill the hole and be done with it.

If you can afford $20,000 for an RDIAS, you can afford to have a sear blocked receiver milled for it. Lots of the big names have sear blocks.
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Any other suggestions or opinions outside the full auto sear? That's really a non issue because if I spend 30k on a full auto it's not going to be in any of these choices
off topic rant

If you can afford $xxxxx for an xxxxxxxx, you can afford to have

I know that wasn't directed at me but every time I hear or read that line I want to slap someone. If someone scrimps and saves for a year or two to buy a registered full auto they may not simply have money for something else.

I went to the range with my MM23E and one 200 round belt. Somebody asked if that was all the ammo I had and I said, "Yes, this is all I can afford right now." I was told that if I could afford a belt fed then I could afford 5.56 ammo. I told them to call my bank and tell the manager how much money I should have in my account.

Now MachinegunTony may be driving his gold plated Rolls Royce to the gun store and paying for everything with crisp $1,000 gold certificates, I don't know. I am going to hazard a guess that he doesn't want to pay to have something milled if he doesn't have to.
this is naturally the next move, right?.

With all the legalities of suppressor ownership, going into the SBR field is made a lot more expedient.

Nonetheless, SBR's have their unintended consequences of ownership. Review the threads on them and pistols. They are actually identical except the pistol can't take the stock, but can use the brace.

Since it's a pistol, laws requiring certain things be done if it were a rifle don't apply, like be transported cased and empty. A pistol falls under the more enlightened CCW atmosphere - you can keep it up front and loaded.

Transportation of an SBR requires BATF permission, a pistol only whatever state laws apply.

There is a lot more to it, study the differences and make your choice. With the SB15 brace on the market, a lot are discovering the advantages of a pistol are exactly what they want.
That's a very interesting point to consider. Never really thought about it from the legalities of long gun vs pistol carry aspect.

Edit: I did a little research. An SBR in Georgia (where I live), is kind of interesting. We are not allowed to carry a long gun loaded but a long gun is not considered a weapon so it's not really against the law. An SBR would be considered a long gun sense it is meant to be fired from the shoulder. So that brings me around to, from my understanding there are no carry laws affecting an SBR?
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