Which .22LR Load To Buy?

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Hey, I was looking through a magizine and found 5000 rounds of .22lr ammo for $99.97 But there are 2 brands, should I go with the CCI Blazers or Remington Thunderbolt? Just drop a line.

Trespassers Will Be Shot
Survivors Will Be Shot Again
I don't like both. NOT CONSISTENT.

Go to Walmart and buy 550 round pack of Federal Hollow Point for around $9. Good stuff in this cheap ammo class.
If you must buy one of those two, the CCI's are probably the better of the two. This is strictly my opinion because, unlike almost everything else Remington makes, I haven't found a modern Rem .22 cartridge I like. But, it isn't wise to buy 5000 rounds of any .22 until you know that your gun likes it. 22's are very fickle as to which ammo they like. Like Oris said you can go to Wal-Mart and get the Fed or go to K-mart and get Win Dynapoints, both are less than the deals you mentioned and both are very good.
I bought some of those Rem ThunderLizard .22s--500--awhile back when a friend invited my fiancee and I to go shooting. We ended up stopping using the things in their Buckmark because they were just that dirty.
I used the last of 'em in my new Ruger the other day and I'm glad it was the last of 'em. Jamamatic from hell. I just got some of those Winchesters, I'm gonna get some of the Federals too and report back which I prefer after I shoot (hopefully this weekend.)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
22/s are particular, so buy small boxes of different brands to test before you buy a sh*tload of ammo that may not work. It should be 100% reliable, and accurate. Almost always you'll find at least one brand/load that works great.

I use Winchester in my mice...

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
I do not care for for the Remington Thunderbolt. I have no problems feeding them but they are inconsistent and weak. I had 4 or 5 out of a box of 500 that were too weak to even fully cock after extraction. And I clean my .22's religiously.

The 550 Federal hollowpoints are not bad. They are the best value in the dirt cheap ammo, in my opinion, I had no problems feeding them in normal operation. They are very consistent at the range.

Federal Lightning is something to stay away from. I had two misfeed dramatically in one ten round mag. Both rounds almost bent into a horseshoe.

My favorite price/quality wise is the CCI Mini-Mags. Solid bullet, coated and more velocity then all those listed above. Constructed very well too. No problems rechambering them several times. About $3.17 for 100.


[This message has been edited by Dutchboy (edited November 30, 1999).]
I made the mistake of buying a bunch of bricks of Remington Thunderbolts from K-Mart once when they were on sale. Didn't do well in any .22 of mine save for a Taurus M94 revolver. I returned them (thank you K-Mart). These days, I generally stick with American Eagle HP and various CCI.
It's best to take the time to find out which .22 load your guns shoots best with. My Ruger 22/45 loves the Remington Thunderbolt, but my Beretta 21A prefers Winchester Wildcat. I've shot the cheapo 550 rd Federal hollowpoints in both guns and performance was mediocre at best, and because accuracy was so-so, I ended up just blasting them down range to get rid of them. I've tried most of the different cheap and mid-priced .22 LR ammo that's available and the Thunderbolt and Wildcat loads are what I get the best results with. I suggest you try a few different loads of various weights to see what your gun likes before you spend a lot of money on just one load. Otherwise it won't be money that was well spent.

/s/ Shawn Dodson
Firearms Tactical Institute
All of my .22's shoot the wal mart specials perfectly. I get em for $8/550

Its all day fun for a great low price. cant beat em !

TIM : )
Not much to add--- My Phoenix Arms HP-22 loves cci mini-mags. My Remington 597 loves everything as does my Sundance Point Blank, but that is a 2 shot derringer. My S&W 22a likes target loads. All accross the board is a good way to describe .22 rounds. Have to agree, get small boxes before u buy a shload of one thing. My favorite, as I posted in the rifle section, has to be the Quick Shok fragmenting round. Great speed,accuracy and quite deadly on small game and varmints.

Have a Twinkie, snappahead---Ford Fairlane
The club I belong to (indoor range, 22 handguns) has a rule that club ammo has to be used with club guns. They tried many brands and types over the years. We have had the best over all results, as far as accuracy and dependability, with the CCI std velocity rounds.

Good shootin to ya
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