Where's the posts?


New member
Here we are-- heart of hunting season and there are few posts in this group. Only thing I can figure is everybody's out in the woods...
Well unfortunately I didn't draw any tags this year. Then my one out of state hunt was cancled due to me having COVID.
Great year. in Eastern Iowa

Where's the posts?
You are correct and although I no longer hunt deer, I do support two groups and this year, the guys are taking some pretty impressive deer. My one Grandson took a large 8-pointer that so far, hs score 161. My other Grandson took and doe at 5FT. and buck at about 90yards. The but is a 10-pointer. Our cousin just took a 12-point typical and it's a monster. Both buck are getting mounted. ........ :)

I know there are some montster bucks in Eastern Iowa but don't tell anyone. We "Party-Hunt" and so far, we have filled 14-tags. Some of this info may sound confusing but we hunt under Iowa's laws. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
reynolds357 said:
You have to draw resident tags?

Yes and no! I live in Colorado, there is a primary draw, a leftover draw with youth preference. Then there are leftover tags you can buy over the counter (OTC). There are also some OTC tags in areas for elk and bear.

My real issue is I have to submit my vacation a year in advance. So if I don't draw the season I choose, I may not be able to move my vacation to cover my hunting. I eork on call 24/7 unless I'm on vacation, I can't plan hunting around days off.
I am hunting every Friday morning for the next 4 weeks. If I can get off work, might try to go more. I will post if/when I get some freezer meat down.
slow start

I hunted 7 evenings in Oct archery season, managing to miss two does, one a chip shot at 15 paces:mad:! Then I got a call and had to go out of state for a month to help tend for my ailing momma age 91. She's gonna be alright.

Upon my return after Thanksgiving, I had to catch up on all the personnel and domestic stuff that had fallen through the cracks here at bamahouse while I was gone.

I've hunted two evenings since my return to AL, both bowhunts on public land. First night I saw 5 and had what was likely a P&Y caliber buck walk by at less than 10 yds in the dark while I was still aloft. I could see tines and mass in the moonlight, but no way could I legally or ethically loose an arrow. I then got a really bad chest bronchial thing going, and pretty much spent a week home in the recliner.....I'm gonna be alright too.

Second evening, just Sun eve, I got to the woods late, but saw 7, including one buck of unknown size riding the ATV to where I was headed. Saw a doe and a yearling that PM from the tree. I should get another crack at one soon and really want it to be a bow kill.

A goal this year is to kill a deer with a a handgun.
Second evening, just Sun eve, I got to the woods late, but saw 7, including one buck of unknown size riding the ATV to where I was headed.
Okay -- I read this three times and I laughed harder each time, thank you for this! :D
I had to miss Deer season, was having the discs in my neck replaced. Elk is open now. I hope to be cleared by the Surgeon on the 15th. Then 2 19 year old lads will accompany me to pack my Elk out of the woods. Restricted to 30 pounds of lifting. :)
This year I hunted early october during archery season with my dad for 4 days and there with my combo license I need to shoot a deer with 3 points on one side. Well we didn't see a single buck and they all evaporated from camera for a month.

I took the first week of firearms season off to hunt with my dad but it didn't open till tuesday so I brought my crossbow with me. I arrived late veterans day (friday) got all my gear and snacks in the blind. The next morning an hour before daylight we snuck out to the blind. We sat there in the dark waiting for light and as the sun came up a 5 point came from the left. I raised the crossbow and the scope was a bit fogged and I couldn't see the lines right so I turned on the illumination. That did it. Crossbow went up again and I put the red dot right behind the shoulder and pulled the trigger. It did like a shiver and stood there trying to figure out what happened. Confused it started walking away and went maybe 10 yards and fell dead behind a big pine tree.

But we didn't know that. We thought it fell but couldn't verify it. I cocked the crossbow and threw in another arrow and we sat there giving it some time and a this year fawn came 7 feet from the blind and bedded down for 2 hours.

Eventually the fawn left after its mom went to were we thought the buck fell and she stomped for 10 minutes and walked off. Now it was about 10 so we started thinking find the deer and maybe head out for lunch. The shot was good and the deer was where we thought it fell.

I only wish I had a chance to use my rifle besides making sure it was still sighted in.
Last 2 seasons here in NH were a bust for me, we dont have a very large deer herd so pickings can be somewhat slim, 2 seasons ago I saw but 1 spike buck and couldnt get a shot due to the rising sun which rose just as the deer left the thick woods and entered a clear area, never saw him again. Last season I was retired and had plenty of time in the woods, sat many hours in a few different spots with no luck, my 1 opportunity came and of course I pulled a rookie move and spooked the 4 point.
As he was running full bore across my path at about 60 to 70 yds I shot and missed. This season I decided to spend a few $$$$ and booked a hunt in NC at a outfitter I had hunted with in the past (20 yrs ago) Occuneechee lodge in Jackson NC, was still a very good operation, a bit overhunted but I did score 3, 1-4pt, 1 spike and a doe in 3 days hunting, limit was 4, 2 bucks 2 does. Back to NH for the rifle season and after sitting a spot I had missed the 4 point last yr I scored a nice size spike at 165 yds with my 25-06, very impressed with that rifle ( new acquisition) Had 1 more doe tag for NH but failed to see another deer, season ended on 12/4 for rifle. Very happy with my season.
and you know we love ya here bama....bunch of ol boys sitting around the table drinking coffee and what not tellin stories and havin a good time tellin on each other....

my old huntin partner was good at that....lol....damn i mis the ol coot...we laffed at eah other and had some shinin times i tell ya

I got covid again just before hunting season started. It wasn't nearly as bad as the first time but I've barely been out of the house in the past month. I was hoping to read some good hunting reports to make me feel like I'm still in the game...

I've shot 3 does this year. Posted about the first two in the copper bullet thread I started. The third wasn't anything spectacular.

Hoping to get a chance at a buck during late muzzleloader season...we'll see.
Granddaughter's spanking new husband asked if he could deer hunt on property I own. Not wanting to disappoint the young hard working fellow I told him yes he and friends could hunt. All missed or gave passes to the deer they seen hoping for a trophy's to show up under their Stands. Oh well?
At Christmas dinner here I clue the kid in on old school hunting ways. (flip him from being a trophy shooter to a Freezer filler -- I hoping for.)
(flip him from being a trophy shooter to a Freezer filler -- I hoping for.)
You only need one good trophy and who's to say it isn't a trophy doe.

I shot a monster doe my first few years of bow hunting. I was trying to hold out for a buck but this family group kept coming by my stand and grandma doe would blow and stomp and scare everything away. She made the mistake of getting to close and must have been showing off because she was on her hind legs trying to smell me up in a shakey 15 foot scaffold covered in fresh cedar branches. She dropped back to all fours and turned her head back to the group as if saying it was good but it wasn't. I poke an arrow between the V of a tree and it was lights out.

After that I filled my other tags easily but the big buck never came by when I was there. But one evening my Grandpa was there and put a good shot on a 16 pointer. He came and got me and my dad and when I hooked it up to the fourwheeler it wouldn't move. They had to push the fourwheeler to get it to move. I was on the throttle all the way home so I wouldn't get stuck.

I wish we would have got it weighed but nobody was putting that thing in the back of the truck.