Where would we be without.......


New member
The Firing Line????

I just want to know where we would all be "hanging" on the web without this place?????

I dont even remember how I stumble into this place anymore... I lurked for awhile, a few days, then started posting :D The rest is history. :D

Dead [Black Ops]
I would almost have no use for the internet, if it weren't for forums like this. Most of my online time is either spent here, or looking up info (either I need, or just curious about). For some reason, there's not a whole lot out there on the Web about what my interests are. Most of what I do find is crap. Then, we found TFL... and it was all downhill form there. ;)

Maybe it would help if I had a faster PC and a better connection...nah...

Pray as though it's all up to God, act as though it's all up to you.

My EOSM pix

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!