Where would I keep on if I'm deployed?


I want to get an sbr and suppressor but I'm trying to decide if I should go with a trust or as an individual. The only thing keeping me from doing it individually would be where would I keep them if I'm deployed? Can I just keep them in a safe at home? Or would it be easier to go with a trust with me and my wife as trustees so it would be legal to leave them with her?
Well I'm not in the Army so I don't know if they allow this or not, but in the Air Force you are allowed to keep your weapons at the base armory. They lock it up in it's own space until you need it.
in the Air Force you are allowed to keep your weapons at the base armory. They lock it up in it's own space until you need it.

I don't know if you have taken part in this activity, but I will never, ever leave my guns at the base armory again...a few years ago, I and a couple of my buddies in the dorms discovered that cops like to sign out personally owned firearms to go hunting and shooting with. Once my guns were finally returned to the armory two days later, I bought a metal cabinet and left it in my Boss's garage. I know that not all cops are that dishonest, but I will never leave my regular firearms in their care again, let alone an NFA weapon.
I've heard of this happening as well. Not so much that they will go hunting with them, but that they will occasionally take them out to shoot them down range.
The only problem with keeping them at the base armory is that I'm National Guard not active duty. Would I be able to keep them in a safe deposit box?
NFA item storage

+1 with the poster who mentioned a safe deposit box. I've used that technique for years!! One of the banks in my area has some that are big enough that I could store my M-60 (barrel removed) in it. I would bring it in in a duffle bag already broken down. He puts his key in, I put my key in, they put my BAB ( Big A*% Box) on a cart wheel it to the little room. I put my baby in it take it back we lock her up and off I go. I do this with all my NFA weapons/parts. I keep a .308 and a .223 Can at home. Besides, it minimizes the "impulse shooting" That M-60 is like buying a new TV everytime I take it to the range.