Where to shoot my new shotgun in FLA?


Retired Screen Name
I am about to buy a home defense shotgun in a month or so (sooner I hope). And I want to be able to test fire it somewhere around NE FLA. I dont mind driving, but not longer than a weekend's worth of driving will take me.
Just about any range should let you shoot a shotgun. I shoot mine at the (somewhat) local indoor pistol range (Shooting Sports, Tampa). They typically ask that you don't use a far right or left lane, so the eventual spread doesn't scar the wall. But otherwise, I've shot buck and bird shot without any problems.
The following link will show you a lot of ranges in FL. Just give the range a call to make sure it's okay first. Since you mention NE, I'm assuming the Jacksonville area? Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club is one that comes to mind. If you are far enough north, try searching for Georgia as well, you just might find something close there too.


Happy shooting,
Thanks LL,
I am in Jax and will try Gateway. Some others in another post warned against going there (used brass all over, rude people, high prices,....). But I will try them once and see for myself.
That was me, yes their members are rude and there prices are higher than everyone else, but they do have a shotgun sighting board. They will only let members shoot trap and skeet. The lady at the desk they have now is actually extremely nice, I guess enough people complained about the old one. It is a great shooting experience, but, be the exception and clean after yourself.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"

I am a NG and wonder if Gateway offers classes on techniques and disciplines (shotgun and handgun) for the novice? I will check out Gun Gallery as well.
Thanks again.
GUN GALLERY IS THE BEST! I do not know of any classes per se, but gun gallery will teach you anything you want to know, they taught me to clean and field strip and then gave me pointers on a MINI-30 I bought from them.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"