Where to shoot in Cleveland?


New member
I have a week's worth of meetings coming up in Cleveland. If the opportunity presents itself, where can I go to shoot? It will have to be able to suply rental guns, since I'll be unarmed...:mad: . Thanks in advance, geegee
Where are you staying in Cleveland? It makes a difference as to where to reccomend. Even though Cleveland isn't that big by most big city standards, traffic going from into/out of it can be a bear.
I believe the downtown Hyatt. I'll be meeting there with some other "out-of-towners", as well as some locals, so they should know how to get around. Thanks, geegee
3 gun (Mark) put together a great list of ranges:


Stonewall, which is about 45 min(in traffic) South of downtown via I77 is the closest.

Northcoast Indoor Archery and shooting ranges out in Sheffield Lake is about the same time-wise depending on the traffic.

"Rush hour" traffic out of Cleveland starts at EXACTLY 4:15 PM, and stays heavy until 5:45PM. Feel free to PM me or post if you need any local phone calls made as to rates and what they rent.
I got lost in Cleveland a couple of times and if I remember correctly....neighborhoods toward the airport have regular shootings all of the time. Oh....you mean ranges :D cant help.
Shoot well
There are a couple other options:

On Target shooting range in Eastlake (I've never shot there)

B&T Shooting Supplies has a range store in Lorain. It's about 5 miles past Northcoast on 90 W. (exit 146 IIRC)
(B&T is probably the cheapest indoor range in town and the people are unbelievably nice!)

The easiest to get to would probably be Stonewall.
On Target in lorain is the same as B & T (B & T purchased On Target, I think B&T has three store now). That range is only about 25 feet long, but you can rent. Staff are extremely nice and helpful (Cleveland's best).

Stonewall Range (off I-77) is less than 20 min from downtown if not traveling during rush hour, 30 to 35min if rush hour. Nothing personal to those who like this range, but in my opinion it is unsafe and often filled with people who don't know what they are doing (patrons and staff). IOW: Stay clear of this range.

North Coast Sportmans Adavntage is about a 35 min drive from downtown. They also rent guns and is by far the premeir range in northeast Ohio. They also have a neat video shooting simulator you use with live rounds, a lounge, and neat stuff to look at.

If you don't mind a short drive through some of Ohio's pretty country side, about 40 min south of Downtown is the AA Trap and Skeet Club. They have a 200 yard 100 yard rifle ranges. 50 yard (pistol) and 25 yard indoor range. You can also shoot skeet and trap. This is not a public range and they do not advertise or rent guns. But they will let you shoot for 8 bucks an hour if you show up (they really just want to reserve the right to keep questionable people from using their facility). If you are interested in more details PM me.

Hope these help.

Just to add, there is also Big Bore up in Eastlake. I've never shot there but it's also another place to consider.

Stonewall probably has the biggest selection of guns to rent, but expect the usual bunch of careless people - just look at the holes in the stall dividers. I used to shoot there alot before I joined a club in Akron but the best time to go there is early in the mornings when there aren't alot of people around. Stonewall does have a webpage at http://www.stonewallrange.com/

Ehenz - do you know what the membership processs is (and how much) at A&A? I shot out there once and it was pretty nice. I haven't found anything closer to Cleveland yet...

I get down to A&A about 5 times a year, and whenever I get a new rifle. I am always told that membership is "closed". I also hear membership is by invitation only, but never asked as the older fellow does not want to talk about memberships much. If I went there more often, and was a bit more social with the skeet/trap guys I would know more.

When I go there (usually a weekend) everyone is nice, there is always some food and refreshements offered to me at no cost. Very nice folks. I even went shot when no one was there (I shoved mey payment in their mailbox). Another time I called ahead and they said they would not be around and to just leave the money in a bucket by the door.

I can also second Stonwall's selection of rental (and retail) guns, they have bunches.
I think Stonewall is getting a bad rap here. Did you go there with the current management or the old? It is a public range, not much you can do about that. I have to disagree with the staff not knowing what they are doing. They try and keep the casual shooters safe and in line. They do use closed circuit video to watch the firing line. Other than hold their hand there isn't much more they can do. And yes mornings are the best time to go. They open at 7:30. Several of the staff post on this site. Several shoot with us at Tusco. I would have a hard time saying that any of the current staff didn't know what they were doing. I do have a difference of option about some things, but they all know the basics and shoot safely.

I can say that AA is a nice place to go, again in the mornings. I'll be there this Wednesday after work (3rd shifter) to shoot 5 stand. The trap, skeet, 5 stand and rifle ranges are open to the public. I've left a few times because of unsafe behavior on the rifle ranges. There is little supervision by the staff during busy times. Again the staff is good it's just there is only so much they can do at once. Last time I asked memberships were around $400.

Northcoast is a nice new range. The money I've spent in the SIM! Here again being a public range you will see things from the causal shooter that will make us TFL guys shudder.

The only place that I shoot where I've never seen a safety problem or the staff overwhelmed is Tusco in Midvale. It's members only with many shoots that are open to the public. Top notch all the way here. But then again the shoots that they hold are not the kind of thing a causal shooter would attend.

I don't have any info on the "ranges" link for a couple of the places that have been mentioned here. If you could email address, phone numbers, times etc. I'll be sure to get them in with the next update. Check out the links in my sig line to get on the mailing list, find show/shoot dates and get range info.
Wow, that's a bit pricey for membership at A&A, but I guess that's what us city-folk must pay for both big city lights and the country air. I'm hoping to find a private range close to driving distance within the city (30-45 min) but so far I've only really found Tusco and it's too far to shoot on a regular basis there - if anybody knows of one - please let me know.

My beef is not with the Stonewall staff but with some of the people that I've seen shooting there and the way they were behaving on the firing line. The staff have generally been very professional and good about things but sometimes they get overwhelmed with the volume of shooters and customers.

Is everybody going to Berea this weekend?
As with Engineer, I too had a membership at Stonewall at one time and had the same negative opinion. I did have the opportunity to shoot there somewhat recently last Christmas/New Years with 3 gun and a few other TFLers. The range has change quite a bit from last I remembered it (early/mid '90s). It does seem to be much more cleaner and the people more safe. The dividers are no longer full of holes and are all steel now. I wouldn't hesitate in going there today. The membership though is now a bit steep.

Big Bore I've only shot at once in the early '90s. IIRC, 50', narrow stalls, very limited narrow parking, any brass that fall out of your guns is the property of the range.

The only problem I have seen at A&A is that the rifle and pistol ranges are located towards the down range of the skeet range. A friend's car got pelted by shotgun pellets one time when driving out to the rifle range. Backstops for ranges under 200 yards consist of stacked big tractor tires.
Cleveland area ranges

I've shot at On Target (now called B&T), Stonewall, and A&A.

B&T is a 50-foot range. They have (or at least had) rental guns. No rifles or shotguns allowed.

Stonewall is 25yds. As noted above in another post, they have a wide selection of rental guns. Rifles allowed three days a week (see 3-guns list for days and hours) Shotguns allowed any time.

I haven't been to A&A in years, but I had a great time there with my brother-in-law on the 100yd range. We had the range all to ourselves for hours. I think the rate then was $8/hr but we were happy to find a place to shoot rifles! They also had the 200yd range available, but two hundred yards is too far to walk to set up targets! We had gone on a weekday morning/early afternoon.

There used to be another range out in Sullivan (about 45 miles SW of Cleveland) called Shooters Challenge that had a nice 200 yd range. They'd even ride out in ATVs to the 200 yd line to set targets for you! They also had a trap and sporting clays course. I haven't had the need to go there in a few years, but I think they're still in operation. I think the range is closed on Sundays.

I haven't made it to the new Northcoast in Sheffield. I'll have to give them a try one of these days.

There is (or used to be) another range down in Brunswick, but the last time my buddies and I tried to shoot there, we were told we were not welcome with our 'big guns' (ie .38s, 9mms and .45s) since they had a .22 league going on at the time. :rolleyes:
Cleveland trip follow up...

Thanks to all who have responded for my plea for some suggestions for "decompression time." As it happens, I spent four days in the downtown Hyatt. Does the term "caged animal" paint a picture for you...:mad: . I hate these trips, as I invariably gain about five pounds, get no exercise, and have a headache all day long. Range time? I don't think so.

Since my employer is based in Cleveland, I will be making more trips up there this year. Hopefully this will allow me to use some of the plentiful recommendations y'all have provided, as well as a chance to meet you at a local range. Many thanks, geegee :)