Where to sell...


New member
I have a Brown Bess that I've been trying to sell and have found it is not easy. The gun was put together from mostly original parts (lock work is dated 1732) and is in very good shape. Any suggestions on where I can find a market to unload this?
Don't forget to put a reserve price on it. The effect of a reserve is it puts the buyer in the position of the offeror and you, the seller, as the offeree. The implication is that if you get the price you want, you can reject the buyer's offer. Otherwise, if the seller were the offeror, putting something to auction without a reserve may result in selling for a lower price than desired.

For something like a Brown Bess, be sure to include as many details as possible. Old long pattern or short pattern. India musket? Sea Service? Light infantry? If you're lost, Redcoats and Brown Bess by Anthony Darlinng is an inexpensive yet very good guide ($5.95).

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