where to learn about SA revolvers?


New member
just picked up my new toy today. not only is it my first single action revolver, but my first revolver period. any good websites and/or books where i can learn the nuances of SA's such as disassembly, what spare parts to buy, etc.?
bk40 beat me to the punch!! That is my on-line home and a finer bunch of folks you will never meet. Lots of them post here as well.

If you want to get some professional training, Thunder Ranch offers a Pre-1900 Class that teaches defensive use of SA revolvers and leveraction rifles.

Doc Hudson
I can help you with what spare parts to buy. Don't buy any. Most single action will last a very long time without ever breaking a part. When a part does break the gun will probably need to be rebuilt anyhow. Most gun companies will fix your gun for free so spare parts IMHO aren't necessary.
thanks for the replies. m16's reply surprised me but i'm glad. i just thought since it was such an old design, parts breakage had to be a concern. maybe Sam Colt knew what he was doing. anyway, i would like to buy a book, an all around manual, with detailed disassembly views. if something breaks, i want to be able to replace it and know what that part does.
Pokey074, you didn't mention the brand. (???)

There are a lot of books out there on the various single action revolvers. I'd pick up one for the brand you bought. Colt's? Ruger? Or other??

A good gunsmith with SA experience can work wonders with a single action. Several things should be done. Most revolvers have too strong a bolt spring and the bolt gouges the cylinder. This is not only unsightly, but causes excessive wear on the bolt. Also the spring side of the bolt itself needs some work, as does the hammer cam. The mainspring (hammer spring) can be trimmed quite a bit without causing any problem. The base pin catch may need work if the base pin refuses to stay put. Unless you have know-how, this stuff is not a DIY job. Kuhnhausen now has a book out on SA revolvers; I have not seen it, but his other books are pretty good.

Let me recommend most highly Tom Sargis, at Bozeman Trail Arms. Tom does top notch work and has a short turn around time.

Tom is one of the few top SA pistolsmiths that does not turn up his nose at Italian SA's. Tom says folks who buy a $400.00 Italian SAA clone have as much right to a slick action as the people who spend over a grand on a Colt.

The URL for Tom's website is: http://www.ycsi.net/users/gunsmith/

Tell him I recommended him. For that matter so does John Taffin, and Mike Venturino.

Doc Hudson