Where to get Fingerprints done & CLEO?


New member
I'm getting ready to take the NFA plunge to transfer 2 suppressors to me as an individual but have three questions.

1. Where do I go to get the finger prints done? Does it have to be somewhere certified or something?

2. I'm in the military and use my parent's home address (in the same state) as my permanent address and on my Driver's License, since I'm always PCS'ing. The CLEO there will sign no problem.
However, where I'm stationed at, which I consider a "temporary address", the CLEO won't sign.
Everything except my mail and BAH has my parent's house as my address. So is it okay if I use those as their address on the Form 4s?

3. If I'm submitting multiple Form 4s simultaneously, do I need to submit multiple finger print cards?

Thanks in advance!
If the CLEO where you are stationed won't sign off, your best bet is to wait until you are home. If a CLEO will sign, his shop will probably do the prints.

Make sure you they the ATF "applicant" fingerprint cards (light blue). ATF sends them to the FBI to run the prints and if they are not ATF cards they can go astray and delay things (even more than usual) or even require resubmission.

As to multiple applications, AFAIK there is no limiit, but I have never submitted more than one so I don't know if you need two cards for each application or if one set will do for all. The instructions should tell you, but FWIW, I think it would be best to submit a set for each application, in case the applications get separated. I know you have to submit a set of photos for each application.
