Where to buy a SKS?


New member
LGS are all +-$450 around me. I noticed several threads about guys who have recently ordered SKS at reasonable prices and I am wondering where I should be looking. Gunbroker tends to run a little high and by time I add my fees I am at the same price as the local guys. I dont mind spending $450 if the gun is in VGC but most I see are pretty well worn. Go figure a beet up 50y/o military weapon. lol
I just bought my Chinese SKS from Classicfirearms.com. I need to post pictures of it soon. I'm pretty sure the cost was 367.00 total shipped to my door with the 25 dollar hand select for the metal condition.

The stock is beat up pretty bad but not horrific and the metal is is excellent shape.

Took it to the range on Monday and was a real blast to shoot
SKS purchase

I have seen SKS rifles bought and sold under a variety of situations. I can remember many of these rifles flooding the market at 80 bucks from dealers and people bought them and put them up. It seems that lots of folks reflect on those times and it created a situation in which many regard it as a Poorboy Cheap Rifle. A knock about truck gun not worthy of respect. The truth is it is a very strong and sophisticated piece of engineering with much history behind it. I much prefer it to the AK. The trick to buying an SKS is to locate someone who needs a few bucks and negotiating. You can do much better on price. I know one guy who visits garage sales and simply asks the sellers if they have any guns they want to sell. He often comes into deals on firearms with that tactic. You can find these rifles everywhere and a hundred bucks will still get you one from time to time. Many were bought and put up and are stilll in someone's closet waiting for you to find them and buy them. You have to get out and make contact and search to find good deals. Be careful with such tactics. Don't get into buying something from a nest of thieves and dopers. Don't hesitate to report suspicious gun selling dopers and thieves to the police. Don't hesitate to ask police to check stolen on a serial number they will do that for you. With a little searching and networking you will find credible folks who will sell firearms at below current market values. Catching them at the right time is the crucial element in finding a good deal.
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Dealer transfer fees can eat you up. Especially on C&R firearms like the Yugo SKS. One purchase can cost you as much, if not more than a C&R FFL that is good for 3 years($30). Not a lot of red tape, or hassle from the feds for a class 03 Collector of Curio and Relic Firearms (C&R) FFL either.
Then you could order an SKS from any number of distributors and have it shipped directly to you.
Not a lot of red tape, or hassle from the feds for a class 03 Collector of Curio and Relic Firearms (C&R) FFL either.
Then you could order an SKS from any number of distributors and have it shipped directly to you.

I wish I could get a C&R FFL, unfortunately the great state of NJ does not recognize C&R FFL. It would do me no good. My LGS is pretty good, out of 3 guns he has charged me once for the transfer fee of $35. $17 NICS each time.
They charge to make the phone call?
In NJ NICS is run by the state. State charges for the time to look up your name in data base. Im not sure if its $17 from state or thats what the LGS charges but at least a portion of that goes to the state. Thats why NJ decided to make the system run by the state. Its a money maker, its also why we had a wait as long as 20 days for an instant check. At least its back to instant now.
I have no idea who has the best price for a typical Yugo. My Norinco was bought back in March of '08 and I soon was infected with Lee-Enfield (#4/#5) fever, then the FR8 bug.

If I could justify a second SKS (just bought a Garand S.G. Special), my preference would be for either the classic Russian SKS, with the very appealing reddish-brown stock, or the Yugo version which was manufactured Without the grenade Launcher.
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Mistake to pass on one

Years and years ago, when I was first getting involved in hunting and the shooting sports I passed on an SKS for . . . $70. But I didn't know enough about them etc. DANG!
Live well, be safe
Prof Young

For those wondering what your $319.00 from Classic will get you, I just had these guys show up today. Very happy with them all, no broken or cracked stocks (so far, from what I can see. But there is a gallon of cosmoline all over these). I did pay extra for matching numbers and hand select. No rust or pitting that I can find, bores look shiny with some cosmo in them.






I would've suggested to look locally on forums and private sales, but seeing you're in NJ i do not know how your state laws work with FTF sales.

Just try ordering from many of the online distributors like Classic. That price is hard to beat right now. Many SKS I've seen for sale locally are $400 and up, so $319 is not bad at all.

Good luck with your search.