Line in the sand. Heh. It doesn't exist.
Gun owners won't even vote, for apathy. Or because they think it "won't make any difference."
Some gun owners tell other gun owners not to vote for the best, most RKBA candidate -- simply because they are afraid of being on the losing end of an election.
Sometimes they even vote against freedom, because they want to demonstrate that they aren't "one issue voters," or because the legislation suggested is just a "common sense safety measure" and the voter thinks it "won't affect me." Or because if you're not a bad person, you don't have anything to hide.
Gun owners won't even show up at political protests to carry signs, or write to their local papers, for fear of "getting on a list somewhere."
They won't put RKBA bumper stickers on their cars, unless the sticker is so subtle that no one but a fellow gunnie would get it anyway -- for fear of "getting a window smashed or something."
Whenever one of our fellow gun owners has a run in with the law, gun owners are quick to denounce the gun owner, and support the unjust law. They do this to show that gun owners are "really law abiding" ... even when the law itself is unjust and wrong.
But it's okay. In the soi-distant future, when the goon squads are coming door-to-door to gather up guns, suddenly all the gun owners in America will grow a set of balls twice as big as the ones they had before.
Unfortunately, two times zero is still zero.
Loss of freedom seldom happens overnight. Oppression doesn't stand on the doorstep with toothbrush moustache and swastika armband -- it creeps up insidiously... step by step, and all of a sudden the unfortunate citizen realizes that it is gone. -- Baron Lane