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Where is the General Discussion forum?


New member
Just logged on and I can't find the General Discussion forum. Granted, I lurk there more than post, but I do enjoy reading it.What happened to it?
It's where it always been; but you can't get there from here... ;)

have tape, will travel...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
I'll be glad when it is fixed. Coinneach needs some more good reading. I once posted to him that if he would eat well, get enough exercise, and live a good clean life that he could be just like me someday. (Bet he can hardly wait) He never replied - hope he isn't dead of a stroke. Although some of the members fuss at me sometimes, I know they are really just teasing me. I do wish they wouldn't curse, though. Come on "General Discusson." Best to all, Jerry

Ecclesiastes 12:13  ¶Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14  For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

[This message has been edited by JerryM (edited June 11, 2000).]
I was wondering this too.

Also, can we maybe get an AR-15 area?
AR15.com is down so much it's not even worth it anymore.

There is an explanation in the mail box in the upper left of the individual forums. General was taken down until Rich can get the server problem isolated and corrected. I do not envy him.

Gunslinger TFL Imperial Potentate

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000

> can we maybe get an AR-15 area?

Well, we could, then someone would want a M1A1 Area another would want a Remington 700 area, then that would bleed over to handguns for a 1911 area, of course the Combat Tupperware lovers would scream that they want their own area. Shortly following that the Shotfunners would want areas dedicated to pumps, auto, O/Us, SxSs then the Auto Shotfunners would want it futher broken down. It would snowball till we have an area for Every Make, Model, Action Type of firearm EVER made. ;)

Naaaaa TFL is set up correctly IMO... it doesn't specilize.
I would like to see a forum just for cursing. We could go there and get it out of our system and not sully the other forums. Too, we could go there and pick up some good cuss words. I particularly like the ingenuity of stringing several common cuss words together in new and inventive ways to come up with new meanings, like .... oh. I almost ... oboy!

This isn't the cursing forum is it?

I think we really, I mean REALLY, need a .303 Brit forum.

Okay, here is an idea, ... let's have an AR-15 forum and call it the Mattel Arms Forum! :)

Yup, medication's on a roll tonight!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited June 11, 2000).]
If we all sing to Rich maybe it will help him get the sight working, so here I go


Your doing a great job Rich, I know its tough and we are all out here pulling for you.

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000